Sandvik is an international company, founded in 1862 in Sweden. Today it has 40,000 employees with business activities in over 130 countries. To learn more about Sandvik Group, please visit our website www.sandvikSandvik Process Systems is one of the business areas within Sandvik Group. Sandvik Process Systems is a world force in the design and manufacture of steel belts, press plates and steel belt based industrial processing systems. Markets served include food, chemicals and pressing equipment for wood and other materials. Products included steel belts, granulation systems, film&sheet casting machine, polished belts, decorative press plates and endless belts, PCB press plate, dehydration systems and etc.Sandvik Process Systems has a deep commitment towards China and strong growth potential for the coming years and decades. At the moment, we have several job openings for our factory in Xinzhuang industry park to support the development. Welcome to join the dynamic and exciting Sandvik world. For more information, please visit our website www.processsystems.sandvik/cn山特維克傳動系統在未來的幾年乃至幾十年將會繼續深入中國并迅速成長。目前,為了迎合中國地區的發展,我們誠邀高素質的人才加入山特維克位于莘莊工業區的工廠。歡迎您加入發展壯大中的山特維克大家庭。了解更多有關山特維克傳動系統中國信息,請登陸我們的網站www.processsystems.sandvik/cn