TüV德國萊茵大中華區TüV德國萊茵是一家國際的技術服務供應商。自1872年成立以來,我們一直為解決人類、環境和科技互動過程中出現的挑戰開發安全持續的解決方案。作為一個、公正和專業的機構,我們長期致力于營造一個同時符合人類和環境需要的美好未來。職業發展在萊茵 如果您擁有認證,測試,檢驗,認可與審核等方面的專業背景,或者擁有在機械、電子、汽車制造、醫學技術等領域的從業經驗,我們期待您的加入。我們歡迎充滿熱情、著眼于客戶、注重細節、并愿意為TüV德國萊茵大中華區及其客戶創造價值的人才。加入我們加入TüV德國萊茵,成為我們的一員。在這里,大家雖然個性不同,但都擁有為實現目標而不懈努力的激情。系統培訓與個性發展是您將在TüV德國萊茵的重要收獲。我們需要能不斷自我完善、充滿熱情、追求效率、堅定果斷并具備競爭力的人才。如果您和我們擁有相同的愿景,并相信能夠與我們共同發展,我們真誠期待您的加入.人才專業要求電子信息工程,電力系統及自動化,機械工程,電氣工程及其自動化,車輛工程,熱能與動力工程,醫療電子,工業工程等相關專業都是我們人才貯備和錄用的專業。我們期待您的加入TüV Rheinland Greater ChinaThe TüV Rheinland is a leading provider of technical services worldwide. Since our foundation in 1872, we have been developing safe and sustainable solutions for the challenges arising from the interaction between man, the environment and technology.As an independent, neutral and professional organization, we are committed to working towards a future that can fulfil the needs of both mankind and the environment in the long term.Career Opportunities at TüV Rheinland Greater China If you have a background in certifying,testing,inspecting,qualifying, auditing etc.or have experience in mechanical, electrical, automotive, precision engineering, medical technology, regulatory affairs, we would like to hear from you. In our industry, you need to be enthusiastic, customer focused, detail-oriented and someone driven to add value to TüV Rheinland Greater China and its customers.Working with UsWhen you join TüV Rheinland, you become part of a network of diverse individuals who share a passion for realizing results. Systematic and individual development plans are part of the package for our employees. Candidates must strive for perfection, be dynamic, profit driven, competitive and decisive. If you share in our vision and believe that you could contribute to the success of our company, we look forward to hearing from you!