美國康威國際化工集團的創始人查理·康威先生在創立公司之初就提出對涂料質量的要求就要像藝術家對藝術作品的要求一樣,既要自然又要有藝術感;他把公司名下品牌定為“康威”。美國康威國際化工集團從一開始就把產品的環保和品質同時放在**位,非常重視產品的研發和生產工藝的不斷改進。如今康威每年的研發費用已占到年銷售額的3%左右,并每年提取銷售額的3%專門用于生產工藝的改進。經過20多年的發展后,于1955年,在查理·康威先生倡議下,由康典全體員工共同制訂了康威國際化工集團的企業愿景:Anyone CanBecome An Artist!每一個人都可以成為藝術家!美國康威國際化工集團從2006年就開始以出口的方式進入中國大陸,并于2008年7月在順德建廠——佛山市康威涂料實業有限公司。設備、技術、管理都是美國原廠的精英人員。佛山市康威涂料實業有限公司嚴格依照美國康威國際化工集團的原廠配方和品質控制標準,并先后榮獲中國涂料十大品牌、中國綠色環保產品、中國著名品牌。于2012年榮獲國家知識專利產權產品等12項,為中國消費者提供既環保又優質的涂料產品。
The United States of America Conway International Chemical Co., Ltd. was established in 1907, by the famous American chemist Charlie Conway (Charles · Conway) was founded, headquarters is located in American Frankfurt City, is a company with a long history and strong strength of the large chemical group. Conway international chemical from a only 5 employees, invested $3000 in the small enterprise development to now ascend ascending enterprise world chemical industry 50 strong; has more than 60 factories in the world, with more than 80000 employees, R & D, production and sales of architectural coatings, decorative coatings, automotive coatings, industrial coatings, anti-corrosion coatings, powder coatings etc. products, products are exported to 77 countries and regions in the world, has opened more than 30000 chain stores and more than 3000 sales and service center, annual sales reached $4700000000,