Schawk! produces brand assets and protects brand equities todrive brand profitability. Leveraging its 60+ years of industry leadership,Schawk! identifies and deploys scalable solutions to address a brand's complexproduction and delivery needs through proven expertise in workflow, resourcing,color management and imaging. Schawk! is part of the brand deployment group ofSGK, which is a division of Matthews International Corporation (NASDAQ GSM:MATW).?For more information about Schawk, visit www.schawk??企業性質:美國獨資 公司網站:www.schawk?公司地址:上海市浦東新區金橋出口加工區申江路3079號(近川橋路) T52-1通用廠房2樓南側 郵 編:201206 電子郵件:recruitshanghaigrp@schawk?隨著公司的業務發展,現誠邀人才加盟。公司將提供具有行業競爭力的薪酬與福利以及廣闊的發展平臺。