Be part of thebigword world thebigwordis a world-leading provider of translation, interpretation and languagetechnology solutions. Established over 30 years ago, thebigword has a solidreputation amongst its customers as a trusted development partner. thebigword’slanguage technology enables customers to connect with their global markets byhelping to break down the barriers to communication. Investment in the latesttechnologies provides a variety of solutions including the ability to automateworkflows to drive efficiencies and improve quality.Industry focused solutions are delivered toour clients across the private and public sectors; utilising a specialistnetwork of linguists expertly sourced to meet client requirements. Withpresence in major cities across the UK, the US, Asia and Europe, thebigwordsupports over 2,500 clients around the globe.If you would like to be part of our fast growingglobal company please view our current world-wide vacancies listed成為 thebigword 大家庭中的一員 通過各地員工的共同努力,thebigword 集團為**大型跨國公司提供優質創新的翻譯、口譯與本地化解決方案 如果您希望運用自己的語言能力;或具有在翻譯、口譯或本地化行業的工作經驗;或者擁有符合下列需求的同等條件,我們真誠歡迎您的加入! 作為**的語言管理公司之一,thebigword 遍及**的分支機構將為您提供絕佳的職業發展機遇 我們提供各種培訓與**發展機會,為員工提供佳福利;在英國,我們的對員工的承諾也受到了英國政府的正式認可,榮獲“人力資本投資者”與“國家培訓”獎。 thebigword 為您提供優厚的薪酬待遇、理想的退休金與的工作環境。對于來到 thebigword 位于利茲的**總部工作的員工,無論是來自英國其他地區還是其他國家,我們均為其提供安置幫助。 如果您有意加入 thebigword,成為這一迅速發展的跨國公司中的一員,請查看我們目前的職位空缺。