百思買集團百思買是世界《財富》500強企業,也是**的消費電子電器產品零售商,同時被譽為100家富有創新力并不斷成長的公司。百思買創建于1966年,其總部設在美國明尼蘇達州的明尼阿波利斯市,至今在美國、加拿大及墨西哥擁有1600 多家零售店,員工總數為125,000人。2015年,百思買**銷售額達400億美元。作為一家勇于創新,不斷壯大的世界500強企業,百思買的巨大成功歸功于其在美國、加拿大、墨西哥和中國范圍內12.5萬名員工的激情、智慧和專業技能。從一家小型企業創業至今,公司克服了諸如行業兼并、企業擴張、產品集中化與普及化等障礙,一躍成為北美地區總產值高達400億美元的知名技術娛樂產品及服務零售連鎖企業。與此同時,百思買一直致力于提升企業社會責任,積極投身慈善公益活動,不斷為保護環境及可持續發展做出努力。百思買國際貿易有限公司自2003年**采購進入中國以來,百思買在上海設立了亞太區采購中心總部,成立百思買國際貿易(上海)有限公司,并隨后在深圳和臺北分別設立了辦事處。通過對自有品牌產品的設計、開發、采購及生產,我們為顧客提供質優價美、易于使用的高科技娛樂產品,致力于實現科技與生活的結合。多年來,百思買**采購在中國的業務穩步發展,不僅為公司贏得了可觀的利潤也為公司帶來了忠誠的顧客。企業文化充滿活力的團隊,有趣???氛圍,令人興奮的機會。無論是在公司辦公室,還是遍布**的各大連鎖門店,百思買獨特的企業文化無處不在,洋溢著無窮的活力。員工團隊合作帶來的友誼和信任使公司始終保有其卓越的企業精神與和睦的企業大家庭文化。不管是在生活中還是在工作上,百思買始終致力于提供給員工舒適的工作環境,幫助員工實現自身價值。在百思買,我們重視每個人的才能、經歷、信仰及背景,在這里,你可以展現自己的風采。我們之所以能夠為各種各樣的顧客創造**思議的體驗,正是因為我們多元的文化。加入我們,你會發現這里樂于接納、慶祝并全面發展每個人,包括你!價值觀激發員工潛能;尊重他人,謙遜有禮,正直誠實;在挑戰和變化中學習;在做到好的過程中享受樂趣。公司經營戰略不斷變化,但是百思買的價值觀卻從未改變。日復一日,百思買員工始終展現著對于企業的忠誠和特有的價值觀。百思買的領導者長期鼓勵員工在追求卓越的同時盡情享受工作的樂趣。他們希望百思買的員工能從挑戰和變革中得到學習和鍛煉,同時在工作與交流中無不體現出待人尊重、為人謙遜,做人正直的企業價值觀。職業生涯當你來到百思買開始你的職業生涯,我們希望你能全身心投入工作。的薪酬福利選項將為你提供今天和未來所需要的保障。除了公平合理的薪資和績效獎金,以及綜合全面的保險福利外,我們還提供良好的休假福利待遇,并關注你的身心健康。另外我們為你創造設施齊備的辦公環境,公平和諧的團隊氛圍,以及充滿樂趣和活力的企業文化,并鼓勵員工學習和成長。我們的愿景---讓我們的生活輕松快樂!我們期待你的加入!公司網站:www.bestbuyBEST BUY GROUPBest Buy is a Fortune 500 company and the world’sleading consumer electronics retailer, also known as 100 innovative and growingcompanies. Best Buy is founded in 1966 and headquartered in Minneapolis,Minnesota, has more than 1,600 stores in the United States, Canada and Mexico,with a workforce of 125,000. In 2015, Best Buy’s global sales reached 40billion US dollars.As a bold, innovative and growing Fortune500 company, Best Buy's great success is attributed to its passion, wisdom andexpertise in its 125,000 employees in the United States, Canada, Mexico andChina. From a small business start-up, the company has overcome challenges suchas industry mergers, business expansion, product concentration and popularity.Best Buy is now a 40 billion US dollars company of well-known technology andentertainment products and services in North America retail chain. At the sametime, Best Buy has been committed to enhancing corporate social responsibility,and actively participate in charitable activities, and continuously puttingefforts in environment protection and sustainability.BEST BUY ASIABest Buy has established its GlobalSourcing Asia Pacific headquarter in Shanghai and subsequently set-up officesin Shenzhen and Taipei respectively. Through the development of its own brandproducts, procurement and production, Best Buy provides customers withaffordable, easy to use high-tech entertainment products and is committed toachieving the perfect combination of technology and life. Over the years, BestBuy Global Sourcing business in China developed steadily. It helped the companyto gain a considerable amount of profit and attracted loyal customers.CULTUREEnergeticteams. Fun atmosphere. Exciting opportunities.That’swhat you’ll find at Best Buy. Best Buy employees are friendly, enthusiastic andwilling to help you succeed. Sure, we’re a big company — the world’s largestconsumer electronics retailer — but that doesn’t stop us from having fun whiledoing what we love: bringing technology into people’s lives in meaningful ways.When you join our team, we consider you part of our Best Buy family. And whatyou do here every day will support our goal to make people’s lives better,easier and more enjoyable through the great products we sell. So if you’d likeusing your talents to help improve people’s lives, bring it! We’d love to haveyour energy here.Youcan be yourself here.AtBest Buy, we value everyone’s talents, life experiences, beliefs andbackgrounds. So you can relax and be yourself. Part of the reason we’re so goodat creating incredible experiences for our diverse customers is because of ourdiverse culture. And we love it that way. Join our team and you’ll findyourself in a place that embraces, celebrates and leverages the rich dimensionsof every person — that means YOU!VALUESEverythingthat Best Buy is now – and strives to become – ultimately ties back to our corevalues as a company.UNLEASH THEPOWEROF OURPEOPLELEARN FROMCHALLENGEANDCHANGESHOWRESPECT, HUMILITYANDINTEGRITYHAVEFUNWHILEBEING THE BESTBusinessstrategies morph over time but Best Buy’s values as a company will neverchange.CAREERSWhenyou come to Best Buy for a career, we want your best. Our full range of benefitoptions offer the protection you need today and in the future. In addition tofair and reasonable pay and bonus, and comprehensive insurance, we also providefavorable leave policies and take care of your health. Also we provide you withgood office facilities, fair and harmonious environment, fun and dynamic culturethat encourages learning and growth.Our Vision - Making Life Fun and EasyWe look forward to your joining!Company website: www.bestbuy