關于博禹集團?博禹是自1998年以來在大中華地區成立的創新型招聘公司,也是摩根菲利普斯集團(Morgan Philips Group)在**的成員之一。在短短3年的時間里,摩根菲利普斯集團已經建立了一個跨越三大洲的平臺,突破了中人才專業招聘的傳統思維。我們將高科技咨詢服務和**人才尋訪、數字化共享技術相結合,為客戶提供更好,更快,更經濟的服務。我們多次獲得相關領域的獎項,我們旗下現在經營兩個品牌:博禹Morgan Philips Executive Search和博禹Fyte。博禹Morgan Philips Executive Search專注于招聘高級管理人員和。博禹Fyte專注于中級主管、專業人士和經理人提供專業化的招聘解決方案和項目外包。About Morgan Philips Group in Greater China?MorganPhilips Group is an innovative recruitment firm with a footprint on 3continents. In just 3 years, we have built a global platform that disrupts theconventional thinking in executive and professional recruiting. We combine hightouch consultancy with worldwide search capability and digital sourcingtechnologies to offer Better, Faster and Cheaper services to our clients.In GreaterChina, where we are established since 1998 and a multiple award winner, weoperate with two brands: 博禹 Morgan Philips Executive Search and 博禹Fyte.博禹Morgan Philips Executive Search recruits senior level executives. 博禹Fyte provides specialized recruitment solutions and project outsourcing foryoung to middle level professionals and managers.公司主頁:www.morganphilipsgreaterchinawww.fytecn