德國卓越的機械工業企業,以前瞻創新之研發科技與精湛之機械加工工藝為基礎而打造的行業內頂級品牌者。目前在**有三大生產基地(德國科堡, 德國格拉和法國萊茵)。 一直以來,公司都在不斷地致力于向用戶提供的、高品質的產品。如今在倡導環保節能為主導的經濟背景下,公司一如既往地走在行業的前端,通過其百年精湛的德意志工藝與創新的IT技術相結合,公司致力于為廣大用戶提供**、節能、成本節約型系統供給解決方案。目前公司在**擁有39個分支機構和49個授權的合作伙伴。公司將為所有員工提供具競爭力之薪資,并提供完善的福利保障及培訓計劃。除基本社會保險外,所有正式員工均可享有額外的醫療保障計劃,工作期滿一年以上可視工作表現享有海外培訓或旅游等福利政策。The preeminent mechanical Germany co. with the world-renowned technology and innovation, our company becomes one of the world leader in this industry. We have three production centres in Coburg and Gera (Germany) and Lyon (France) separately at present. Now, under the economic background of calling for the environmental protection and energy-saving, as the leader of this business, combined its century skills and advanced IT technology to commit itself to supply the users with high efficiency, energy-saving and cost-saving air delivery solutions. We are represented in every major industrial nation throughout in the world by 39 subsidiary companies and 49 authorized partners.We will provide competitive salary, as well as provide a perfect welfare guarantee and training plan. All employees will have extra medical treatment guarantee plans.