St?ubli (Hangzhou) Mechatronic Co. is first Asian manufacturing plant of the Group which was created on 1997.The company headquarters of St?ubli in China are located in the economic and technological development zone of the city of Hangzhou in the Province of Zhejiang. Further sales and customer service representations are located in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. Considering the rapid growth of China's industry and its urgent need for high-tech equipment and products, all three St?ubli divisions are represented in China: Textile machinery, Connectors and Robotics.St?ubli (Hangzhou) manufactures and markets hightech precision electromechanic machines for the textile industry. These include dobbies, cam motions, electronic Jacquard machines and Jacquard harnesses. Furthermore the training centre provides machine operators with courses to help weaving mills to achieve performance during operation and maintenance. The main components, production management system, equipment and technology are imported from Europe. This is in line with St?ubli 's long term policy to supply high-performance products and excellent services in close proximity to the customer, giving Chinese weaving machine and equipment manufacturers to have access to efficient high-quality machines featuring the latest technology along with competent technical support. The Connectors and Robotics divisions of St?ubli have experts and sales engineers present in Hangzhou and elsewhere in China. The Connectors product range covers quick connection systems for all types of fluids as well as electricity and data, tool changers and magnetic clamping systems. The Robotics product offerings include industrial robots like 4-axis SCARA and 6-axis robots along with controllers and software. At both divisions local technical experts are available to supply customers with a broad range of solutions, condensing many decades of St?ubli 's expertise in industrial markets around the world. 史陶比爾(St?ubli)公司1892年誕生于瑞士,是工業連接器、工業機器人和紡織機械三大領域機電一體化解決方案的專業供應商,保持著行業地位。如今,史陶比爾已經發展為一個跨國集團,總部位于瑞士Pf?ffikon,**員工逾5000人,研發和應用工程師約500位,有約2000項專利在申請中或已獲權,公司年營業額超過12.5億瑞士法郎,**12個工業生產基地,在29個國家/地區設立分公司,代理商遍及四大洲50個國家/地區。 史陶比爾(杭州)精密機械電子有限公司1997年由史陶比爾法國公司全資注冊成立,為客戶提供設計、生產、銷售、培訓、售后、技術支持等服務,目前已在北京、上海、廣州、武漢、西安、重慶、沈陽、蘇州、南京、成都、深圳和天津12個城市設有辦事處,正式員工近700人。