麥當勞是**知名的餐飲品牌,超過37,000家餐廳遍及**100多個國家和地區。麥當勞于1990年進入中國內地市場。目前,中國是麥當勞**第三大市場、美國以外**大的特許經營市場,以及**發展快的市場。2017年7月,麥當勞與中信股份、中信資本、凱雷達成戰略合作,共同運營和管理麥當勞在中國內地和香港的業務。截至2017年12月,中國內地有超過2,600家餐廳,員工人數超過140,000名。2016年,麥當勞中國服務顧客超過10億人次。麥當勞為中國消費者提供美味、安心、高品質的漢堡、小食、甜品等各類美食,并持續進行業務創新,提供“隨地隨心,我就喜歡”的體驗。麥當勞中國相繼推出甜品站(1994年)、McCafé(2001年)、24小時營業餐廳(2005年)、得來速汽車餐廳(2005年)、麥樂送送餐服務(2007年)。目前,麥當勞正在全面推進“未來餐廳”體驗升級,整合自助點餐系統、美味特調、無現金支付、送餐到桌等元素,為顧客提供數字化、個性化和人性化的產品與服務。About McDonald's ChinaMcDonald's is the world's leading global foodservice retailer with more than 37,000 locations in over 100 countries. With its first restaurant opened in mainland China in 1990, McDonald’s China is currently the third largest and fastest growing market, and the largest franchisee market in McDonald’s global system outside United States. In July 2017, McDonald’s formed strategic partnership with CITIC and Carlyle, operating and managing the business in mainland China and Hong Kong. By December 2017, there are over 2,600 McDonald’s restaurants with more than 140,000 employees in mainland China. In 2016, McDonald’s serves over 1 billion customers in China.McDonald’s provides delicious, safe and quality foods featuring burgers, snacks, desserts, while McDonald’s China has been a powerhouse of innovations, offering experience of “Anytime, anywhere, the way i’m lovin’ it”. McDonald’s China introduced dessert kiosks in 1994, McCafé in 2001, 24-hour and Drive-thru restaurants in 2005, and McDelivery service in 2007. McDonald’s has been accelerating Experience of the Future nationwide since 2016, integrating self-ordering kiosk (SOK), product personalization, cashless payment, table service and etc., to provide digital, customized and personalized products and services. 欲了解更多詳情,請登陸www.加入麥當勞