??Introductionfor Hilti (Shanghai) Ltd.喜利得(上海)有限公司Hilti (Shanghai) Ltd., was founded in September2004 and is located in Xinzhuang IndustrialZone,Shanghai. The main business is power tool assembly, supplyengineering management, product designing and testing. 喜利得(上海)有限公司成立于2004年9月,坐落于上海莘莊工業區。主要業務包括電動工具裝配、采購供應管理, 產品設計和測試。There are 1 plant and 2 business units (BU) underHilti (Shanghai) Ltd. including Plant 88, ADS (AsiaDevelopment Supply) and ACDS (Asian Consumable Development & SupplyCenter). 喜利得(上海)有限公司包括1個工廠和2個事業部。88廠、亞洲開發供應事業部和亞太區消耗品開發和采購中心。The plant is located inthe Xinzhuang Industry Park. The plant covers an area of 14,500 square meters.喜利得的工廠位于莘莊工業區內。該工廠占地面積達到了14500平方米。We believe a diverseworkforce with equal opportunities is essential for our business – today and inthe future.我們認為,無論是在現在還是未來,多元化的員工構成和公平均等的晉升機會對我們的企業發展至關重要。Diversity &Inclusion (D&I) is anchored in the Champion 2020 strategic imperative “HighPerforming Global Team” and we are passionate for people development. 多元性與包容性(D&I)是冠軍2020戰略規劃“**團隊”的重點內容之一,并且我們對員工發展充滿激情。 About Hilti 關于喜利得Hilti offersproducts, systems and services that have leading-edge technology and provideprofessional customers in the construction and energy sectors with innovativesolutions that feature outstanding added value. Active in more than 120countries, Hilti not only operates production facilities and R&D centers,but is also involved in various international technology partnerships.喜利得公司擁有業界的技術實力,能夠為建筑及能源領域的專業客戶提供全面而卓越的產品、系統、服務和創新解決方案。我們的業務遍及**120多個國家,其涵蓋范圍不僅包括生產及研發設施,還包括多項國際性的技術研發合作項目。Hilti Groupheadquarters are located in Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein, where thecompany was founded in 1941 by brothers Eugen and Martin Hilti. All companyshares are held by the Martin Hilti Family Trust, a fact that ensures long-termcontinuity and the ongoing development of the company.喜利得集團的總部位于列支敦士登公國的沙恩市,由Eugen Hilti和Martin Hilti兄弟于1941年創立。公司的全部股份由Martin Hilti家族信托公司所有,其目的是為了確保公司能夠長期而穩定地經營和發展。CORE PURPOSE AND VALUES核心目標及理念Core purpose核心宗旨We passionately create enthusiastic customers and build a better future.我們希望以無比的熱情來吸引忠實的客戶,并構建更加美好的未來。Enthusiasticcustomers忠實客戶We create success for our customers by identifying their needs and providingdifferentiated and value-adding solutions.我們的成功來源于我們的客戶,我們會確認他們的需求并提供多元而卓越的解決方案。Build a betterfuture構建美好未來We foster a company climate in which every team member is valued and able to grow.我們致力于打造每位員工都受到重視且擁有成長機會的公司環境。We develop win-win relationships with our partners and suppliers.我們努力與我們的合作伙伴及供應商構建雙贏合作關系。We embrace our responsibility towards society and environment.我們堅持履行我們的社會及環境義務。We aim to achieve sustainable value creation, thus securing our freedom ofaction.我們希望通過不斷地創新來確保我們在市場競爭中游刃有余。Hilti values喜利得核心理念The way we do things at Hilti is based on living strong values. We act withintegrity in all we do, we demonstrate courage to go beyond the circle ofhabits, we outperform through teamwork, and we have commitment to personal andcompany growth.喜利得的行事決策均基于對我們核心理念的實踐。我們團結一心、步調一致,我們勇往直前、無懼未知,我們重視團隊協作,并致力于實現個人和公司整體的進步與發展。