Drennan supplies complex mechanical engineering systems & solutionsto Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), by partnering with world classmanufacturers and using the best quality components, in the following fields:From our inception in Hong Kong in the early nineties, Drennan’s developmenthas been closely linked to that of China’s historic economic recovery. This hasallowed us to experience an unparalleled range of business activities, workingwith our customers in China while they develop new products and markets fromscratch. Nearly twenty years immersed in this environment gives us theconfidence to say: “Nobodyknows China like Drennan.”From our inception in Hong Kong in the early nineties, Drennan’s developmenthas been closely linked to that of China’s historic economic recovery. This hasallowed us to experience an unparalleled range of business activities, workingwith our customers in China while they develop new products and markets fromscratch. Nearly twenty years immersed in this environment gives us theconfidence to say: “Nobodyknows China like Drennan.”We have built on our initial expertise as a Sales, Marketing andDistribution organization in China to become a complete systems and solutionsprovider with our own design, manufacturing and service capability. Today ourcustomers can rely on Drennanto help solve their technical issues be it in hydraulics, vibration, airmovement or contract manufacturing. Furthermore, we continue to employ thelogistics and supply chain expertise we have built up through working, inadverse conditions, with China’s most demanding heavy equipment manufacturers.Throughout all this, we have maintained our commitment tobuilding long lasting relationships with our customers and suppliers, whiledeveloping our own personnel. No matter how big we grow, our foundation restson knowing that, “Oneperson can make a difference.”卓爾能與世界極的制造商合作使用好的零部件,為OEM制造商在以下領域內提供工業成套系統及解決方案:1. 合同制造2. 液壓行業3. 振動電機行業4. 空氣流動行業自90年代初卓爾能在香港成立起來,卓爾能的發展就與中國經濟的歷史性復蘇緊密地聯系在一起,我們因此而遇到了一個空前活躍的商機,得以從客戶剛剛開始開發產品和市場時就與他們合作。我們浸溢在這個市場中將近20年,我們可以自豪地說,沒有人比卓爾能更了解中國。在中國,我們從初的一個以銷售、經銷、分包為一體的經濟體發展成為一個運用自己的設計、制造、服務能力為客戶提供系統整體解決方案的供應商。今天,客戶能依靠卓爾能幫助他們解決在合同制造業、液壓行業、振動電機行業及空氣流動行業存在的任何技術問題。而且,即使在困難條件下我們也向中國大的重型設備制造商提供我們在工作中所積累的豐富物流管理經驗和供應鏈方面的專門服務。綜上所述,我們始終堅持與我們的客戶和供應商建立長久的合作伙伴關系,同時發展我們的員工,無論卓爾能發展多大,我們都將堅持一個理念:“One person can make a difference!”我司為職工提供以下福利:免費班車;做五休二;五險一金;補充醫療保險;免費公司體檢;節假日福利;生日祝福;年底雙薪;年終績效獎金;長期服務獎、杰出表現獎、合理化建議獎、年度員工獎;家庭日、拓展訓練;崗位、技能培訓;提供轉崗、晉升;跨部門合作、學習機會;出國學習、培訓。我司為職工提供以下福利:免費班車;做五休二;五險一金;補充醫療保險;免費公司體檢;節假日福利;生日祝福;年底雙薪;年終績效獎金;長期服務獎、杰出表現獎、合理化建議獎、年度員工獎;家庭日、拓展訓練;崗位、技能培訓;提供轉崗、晉升;跨部門合作、學習機會;出國學習、培訓。