武漢安耐捷科技工程有限公司及武漢安耐捷檢測技術有限公司位于武漢中國光谷東谷銀座,是從事管道安全檢測設備、儀器開發銷售和特種檢測服務的專業公司,擁有一支由留美博士、碩士及經驗豐富的工程師和管理人員組成的團隊。安耐捷與其母公司美國YJ國際高科技設備有限公司緊密合作,致力于引進美國等發達國家的先進技術和設備,并開發適合中國管道市場的相關產品。 安耐捷已獲得 ISO9001:2008認證,是中國建設部地下管線技術管理委員會委員單位,也是中國城市燃氣協會理事員,作為美國漢斯公司、杰恩公司、希諾公司、優易公司、TPI公司、銳康公司、DSI公司、英國戴娜公司以及法國科羅瑪公司等多家知名公司在中國的總代理,安耐捷從事引進、開發、經銷包括燃氣管網氣體分析和檢漏儀器,供水管網檢漏設備,地下管線探測設備,地下管道防腐層狀況檢測設備及PRAS管道系統風險評估平臺軟件等。 安耐捷擁有一支經驗豐富的管網工程檢測隊伍,提供的專業服務項目包括:地下管道陰極保護系統及防腐層檢測,管道系統綜合安全評估,管道系統風險評價,燃氣管道快速巡檢及漏點定位,地下管網定位探測等。在多項管網工程服務項目中,安耐捷的工作得到了客戶的廣泛好評。 安耐捷一貫本著“質量**,用戶至上”的原則,愿與政府部門、企事業單位及各界朋友一道,向廣大用戶提供“安全,耐用”的產品和服務,分享“捷報頻傳”的業績,并與您共創輝煌。 武漢安耐捷科技工程有限公司已被眾多燃氣公司包括港華燃氣、新奧燃氣、華潤燃氣、昆侖燃氣、北京燃氣、廣州燃氣、深圳燃氣、重慶燃氣、中油燃氣、中燃集團及其合資公司等多家大型燃氣集團公司選為合格供應商,在國內市場占有率較高,所銷售的產品及服務深受廣大用戶喜愛。 On Sino-US joint venture Wuhan Energy Technology Engineering CO., LTD and Wuhan Energy Detection Technology CO., LTD located at Donghu High-Tech Development Zone of Wuhan, is a professional technical company engaged in designing and selling equipments detected pipline safety, which owned the team cooperated by US doctoral degrees, experienced engineers and excellent managers. Energy with the parent company - US YJ international high-tech equipment co., Ltd. working together closely to introduce the United States and other developed countries advanced technology and equipments, and to develop new products matched with China market. Energy is a member unit of underground pipelines technical management committee of China Construction Ministry, and it’s the general agent of American Heath, J&N, TPI, DSI, UE, Dynalog Electronics, French company Luo the Masurium corporations and as well as other many outstanding enterprises in China., sell and development, main equipments test the fields including fuel gas pipes and underground ducts network analysis and localization or leak detection, at the same time designing the overall safe assessment software for underground steel pipeline networks anticorrosion level, etc. Energy has an experienced team for professional service to pipeline networks project examination including: the complex pipeline three-dimensional localization survey, the underground ducts cathodic protection system and anticorrosion level detection, the piping system comprehensive security evaluation, the fuel gas or water pipelines fast inspecting and the leaking point localization. In many items of pipe networks service project, our work obtained the customers widespread praise. Energy along in line with “quality first, user supreme” principle hopes to provide the durable and secure products or services for customers while sharing victories in keeping progress with the government departments and the project overseeing units.Energy is an advanced enterprise to research underground ducts anticorrosion level detection and security evaluation. And it’s the first inporting and using C-scan anticorrosion system while becoming the general agent in China.