Bystronic is a Swiss company established in 1964. Bystronic has been a member of Conzzeta Holding since 1994. Bystronic is a worldwide player in the supply of high quality solutions for economic processing of sheet metal, other flat materials and tubes. Customers benefit from laser and waterjet cutting and bending systems and services tailored to the application. Bystronic stands for reliability, powerful innovation, excellent price-performance ratio and user-friendly operation. The focus is on automating the complete material and data flow in the cutting-bending process chain. In 2006, the headquarter of Bystronic is relocated in Shanghai, which supports the customers' success with application-oriented systems and services for the laser and waterjet cutting, as well as for bending. Bytronic Co. Ltd(shanghai) focus on the cutting – bending process chain and the automation of the complete materials and data flow. As a partner, Bystronic offers reliability, continuity and transparency, and is represented regionally by highly competent staff speaking the customer's language. 瑞士百超集團成立于1964年,1994年加入瑞士Conzzeta控股公司,是瑞士著名的企業集團之一。 瑞士百超公司是目前世界上大的激光切割機制造商,在全世界擁有近萬臺設備,是激光切割技術及飛行光路的開拓者,并始終引導新技術的發展。由于技術性能、品質質量、生產效率、使用成本及售后服務明顯優于其它激光切割機生產廠,瑞士百超設備在全世界享有盛譽。2006年百超將亞洲總部正式落戶上海。 百超(上海)精密機床有限公司為我們的客戶提供銷售、售后服務、培訓以及備件供應等一系列本地化服務。目標就是:保持百超在中國切割與折彎行業的領導地位,以創新的產品和卓越的售后服務與客戶建立長期的合作關系,從而適應客戶在經濟和商業方面的需求。