北京歐寧航宇檢測技術有限公司是一家專業從事超聲檢測儀器研發和檢測系統集成的高新技術企業,致力于為客戶提供的超聲自動檢測技術與服務。主要產品包括高頻超聲信號發生器、水浸超聲探頭、精密超聲C掃描成像系統,產品集先進的電子與軟件控制技術之大成,達到了國際水平,公司目前已成為國內大的超聲檢測系統集成商。公司總部位于中關村高新技術產業區望京科技園,致力于吸收的人才并以的產品回饋社會。公司將提供給員工富有競爭力的薪酬,隨著公司快速的發展,公司也將提供給員工以廣闊的上升空間,實現公司和員工的共同發展。公司網址:www.onit-techON Inspection is a national high-tech enterprise, who is professionally engaged in researching and developing ultrasonic inspection system. We are working hard to provide the customer entire support and service in ultrasonic inspection application. Our products cover high frequency pulse generator, immersion transducers, and high precision ultrasonic C-scan imaging system, which gather the most advanced electronic and software technology in the world. Now a day, we become the biggest ultrasonic system provider in China.The head office of our company lies at ZhongGuanChun WangJing High Technology and New Industrial Zone. We are pushing hard on absorb excellent talent and get back the excellent product to society.