Bernard Controls China, subsidiary of Bernard Controls multinational Co., was established in Beijing in 2004, located in BDA, Beijing. We are world leading electric actuators producer; Bernard Controls brings over 50 years of continuous experience in electric actuation technology and application knowledge to provide total solutions for valve automation. Bernard Controls supplies actuators for use in critical applications which are found in nuclear power stations, oil & gas, cements plants etc.伯納德控制設備(北京)有限公司,是法國Bernard Controls跨國集團全資子公司,于2004年在北京成立,位于北京亦莊經濟技術開發區。我們的主要產品為電動執行器,在電動執行機構技術方面擁有超過50年的行業經驗,該應用技術為閥門自動化提供了全套解決方案。Bernard Controls 公司所提供的執行器用于一些關鍵性的行業,例如:核電,熱電,石油天然氣及水泥等行業領域。