Founded by a group of professional attorneys in 2003, HFG has enjoyed providing high quality services to our clients and working partners from all over the world, and most of the partners of the firm have served in the legal area for over 10 years, witnessing the dynamic development of China legal environment. Providing tailor-made solutions, we have an integrated team with diversifies experiences in various practices formed with people skilled with rich expertise in a wide range of industries. We acquired substantive experiences through practice in diversified industries; with well education and knowledge background and proficient language capacities, our team members have deep working experiences in judicial dept., law firms and enforcement.We are active in participating in the leading professional associations, internationally and domestically:AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW ASSOCIATION, AIPLAINTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, AIPPIINTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK ASSOCIATION, INTAINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, IPOLICENSING EXECUTIVES SOCIETY, LESSHANGHAI BAR ASSOCIATION, SBA SHANGHAI PATNET AGENTS ASSOCIATION, SPAASHANGHAI TRADEMARK ASSOCIATION, STMA With headquarter in Shanghai, we have liaison offices in Beijing and Guangzhou, and now we have the following vacancies and would like to work with qualified persons with us. For qualified candidates, we will arrange for two rounds of interviews before deciding whether to enroll. We will provide necessary training course for new colleagues, provide competitive salary and attractive bonus and allowance. Please send us your resume with detail description of education, working experience and personal introduction, and especially your preferable working location. Sorry that we will not receive any onsite visitors without any prior appointment or notice. Contact: hr@hfgip 021-52135500 Shanghai恒方知識產權咨詢有限公司提供的知識產權服務。恒方知識產權咨詢有限公司透徹了解客戶的商業利益,從而提供高標準、高質量、高水平的專業服務。我們擁有一個在各領域、各行業經驗豐富的專業隊伍。我們經歷中國知識產權的不斷發展并活躍地參與其中,對立法程序多方集思廣益,積極參與。恒方知識產權咨詢有限公司通過長期的實踐經驗積累深厚廣泛的知識,擁有多語種的交流能力。在全國29個省、直轄市、自治區的各級司法、行政機關,我們為客戶開展各種各樣的知識產權業務。恒方公司是三個組織的緊密結合:恒方知識產權咨詢有限公司(商標及其他知識產權業務)衡方知識產權代理有限公司(專利業務)恒峰律師事務所(法律服務)為了更方便快捷地為客戶提供服務支持,恒方知識產權咨詢有限公司在上海、北京和廣州都設立辦公室,面向全國地區。同時,恒方知識產權咨詢有限公司自豪地當選為上海商標協會常務理事,成為三個當選的上海事務所之一。會員資格:中華全國專利代理人協會,ACPAA美國知識產權協會,AIPLA國際保護知識產權協會,AIPPI國際商標協會,INTA美國知識產權持有人協會,IPO國際許可證貿易工作者協會,LES上海律師協會,SBA上海市專利代理行業協會,SPA上海商標協會專業委員會,STMA