Company IntroductionZIEHL-ABEGG has stood for movement byperfection in the ventilation technology, control technology and drivetechnology sectors for more than 100 years. What started with the invention ofthe first external rotor motor by Emil Ziehl is now being carried on at thecompany’s sites around the world. We are the pioneers, masterminds anddevelopers of technologies for the future which more than satisfy all demandsto preserve an environment worth living in and to meet all our customers’requirements and wishes. ?ZIEHL-ABEGG Mechanical and ElectricalEquipment (Shanghai) Co, .LTD, has total of 370 employees in SongJiang,Shanghai. We are one of the most important part of the ZIEHL-ABEGG group andsupports the domestic, Asia and global market. As a technology and production hub,we have flexible production process, advantage technical and activitymanagement team.For more information, please visit ourwebsite: www.ziehl-abegg.de.