德中工商技術咨詢服務 (太倉) 有限公司,香港德中工商技術咨詢服務有限公司和德國經濟辦事處是德國商會**網絡在大中華區的服務機構。通過DEinternational這個服務品牌,GIC為大中華區的企業提供的服務。這里提供德國商會**網絡保證的優質服務:不僅有本土化的服務特色,也有國際化水準的服務質量。在德國商會**網絡的有效支持下,以中小企業為代表的企業將享受到以客戶為核心的專業市場服務。更多德企招聘信息請看:jobmarket.china.ahk.de German Industry & Commerce (Taicang) Ltd. for Mainland China, German Industry & Commerce Ltd. for Hong Kong and DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. are the service branches of the German Chamber Network in Greater China. Jointly, they are governed by the Board of Directors of German Industry and Commerce Greater China.Under the umbrella of German Industry and Commerce Greater China and via the global brand DEinternational, the GIC branches offer companies uniformly consistent and extensive services throughout the Greater China region – with the high level of quality guaranteed by the German Chamber Network. Especially for SMEs this translates to customer focus, market expertise as well as transparency and usefulness of the worldwide network of German Chambers.For more vacant positions, please visit DE Job Market: jobmarket.china.ahk.de