CONNECTING ENERGY AND PEOPLEThe origins of Groupe Cahors go back to 1910, a time when networks were beginning to appear.This is the beginning of a long history that led Groupe Cahors (a small factory in 1910,located in Cahors, South of France) to become a multinational corporation with 12 subsidiaries worldwide, based on 4 continents.Established in 2004, Qingdao Cahors Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd (QCEE) was officially put into production in 2006. Located at Qingdao, a beautiful coastal city in China, QCEE is asubsidiary of Groupe CAHORS.Under the technical support of its parent firm Groupe CAHORS, QCEE produces medium and low voltage oil-immersed transformers of 10 kV to 36 kV and exports averagely over 5,000 transformers every year which are widely used in power grid in France, Africa and Europe.Our main clients are électricité de France S.A. (Enedis), AES SONEL, Schneider Electric and the National Electricity Company of Burkina Faso etc.青島卡奧電力設備有限公司原名青島瑭菲斯電氣有限公司,系法國獨資企業,母公司地處歐洲,成立于1910年,經過近100年的不斷發展壯大,現已形成了一個工廠遍布世界各地、產品**市場占有率名列前茅的跨國企業集團。? ? 集團產品主要應用于流體的輸送和計量。在高、低壓電氣產品,電網監控設備和AMR-自動讀表等電力領域,天然氣接線計量等燃氣領域,水利接線系統等自來水領域和公共、寬帶網絡設備及電話線相關設備的電信領域有著廣泛的應用。產品種類主要有:中低壓配電變壓器、開關柜………????? ?公司成立于2005年,是集團在中國設立的子公司,位于山東省青島經濟技術開發區。公司主營中低壓變壓器的生產和銷售,公司受益于母公司的技術與技能的支持,運用高科技的生產設備,掌握獨特的產品設計和生產技術,處于中低壓電氣產品制造的地位。??????? 公司管理團隊年輕化,倡導創新性思維,不斷接受先進的管理理念,爭創的變壓器制造商!