公司于1864年由馬蒂爾斯裕克施樂先生創立于德國法蘭克地區的安斯巴赫市。今天,裕克施樂公司已經成為擁有面向未來的塑料高科技解決方案的龍頭企業,其中包括高精密技術元件、復雜的裝配件和系統,行業跨越汽車、電子、醫療、和通信科技。 面向創新科技的開放態度、平等的組織架構、創新的合作文化以及和行業伙伴的攜手造就了裕克施樂今天的成就。The company founded in 1864 by Matthias Oechsler at Ansbach in the Franconian region of Germany is today a high-tech innovator of future-oriented solution in polymer technology,from high precision technical parts up to complex subassemblies and systems,e.g.for automotive,electronics,medical and communication technology.Openness to innovative technologies,flat hierarchies,creative corporate culture and a collaboration bassed on partnership from the basis of OECHSLER’s story.