愛威電子(蘇州)有限公司是一家挪威獨資的企業,總公司愛威(挪威)集團公司于1961年成立,迄今已有45年的發展。總部設在挪威,旗下共有四家公司,分別設在挪威、瑞典和中國蘇州。蘇州公司于2002年10月17日在新區注冊成立,注冊資本620萬美元,經營范圍主要為研發、制造和銷售精密注塑模具,并為通訊、電子、汽車、醫療等行業生產注塑件和進行裝配加工。我們時刻關注產品的技術、質量、時效和成本,我們的目標是成為世界級的模具和注塑制造商。 IV-Techmould (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd is a solely foreign invested Corporation. Our mother company IV Industries Corporation which locates in Norway was founded in 1961. With 45 years’ development, now we have four subsidiary companies which are respectively in Norway, Sweden and Suzhou. IV-Techmould (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd was registered in SND in October, 2002, the registered capital is 6.2 million US Dollars. Our business scope is: Design and manufacture of plastic injection molds; Production of plastic parts and assembly for Telecommunications, Electronics, Automotive, medical and other industries; Sales of all self-made products and provide technical consultancy and after-sales service. Our vision is become world class injection moulder, and we will always focus on technology, quality, time and cost.