Crane Co., founded in 1855, is a diversified manufacturer of highly engineered products focused on niche markets. The Company’s primary market are aerospace, defense electronics, recreational vehicle, transportation, automated merchandising, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, refining and power generation. Our businesses yield high returns and high levels of cash flow. Above all, we conduct business with integrity and honest dealings. Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut of the United States of America, Crane employs approximately 12,000 people in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.Crane’s investment to China dates back to 1996, since then, Crane established several Joint Venture Companies and Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai, Hebei, Tianjin, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. While transitioning to a more integrated operating company, Crane China built up two centralized offices in Beijing & Shanghai at the end of 2006. Crane Ningjin Valve Co.,Ltd is the first enterpriseCrane invested in China whichlocated at Xingtai, Hebei.Our products including butterfly valve, gate valve, globe valve, check valve and sapre parts, etc. You may find more details regarding Crane company background and culture from our website: www.cranecowww.crane150Now we are inviting highly committed candidates joining our team: