公司簡介成立于1967年的美國VICON公司是世界上設計、制造整套CCTV設備的專業制造商之一,是在美國上市的閉路電視監控行業中唯一的一家公司。VICON設備有著幾十年如一日的良好品牌形像和信譽,在各領域中,VICON產品都發揮了巨大的作用。北京金尼斯電子技術有限責任公司是美國威康工業公司(VICON?INDUSTRIC?INC.)中國區域一級代理商,是國家重點扶持的高新技術企業。具有北京市技術安全防范辦公室核發的專業資質,并獲得ISO9001質量體系認證。我公司對VICON產品應用系統的設計、銷售、施工、安裝、調試、維修及維護方面有獨到的經驗。成績斐然,其規范化的施工隊伍以其雄厚的技術實力享譽監控行業。公司業務領域致涉及:政府機構、石油化工系統、公安系統、監獄、金融機構、機場、交通、酒店、綜合樓、商場等。尤其近年來完成大量石油、石化的工業電視系統工程,在此行業積累了大量的設計、工程、售后服務經驗。Company ProfileVICON INDUSTRIC INC., an American company established in 1967, is a world leader in the design, engineering and production of high quality CCTV equipment and an exclusive listed company in the industry of Closed-circuit Television. The products of Vicon have been playing a significant role in all relevant fields on an excellent image and credit basis.Beijing Ginis Electronics Technology LTD.? (hereinafter referred to as “Our Company”), a first-class distributor of Vicon Industric Inc. in China, is one of the high and new technology enterprises supported by the state.Our Company has rich and exclusive experiences in the design, engineering, marketing, installation, debugging and maintenance of VICON products and reached many achievements. The construction staff of Our Company has an excellent reputation in monitoring industry on a solid technical strength basis.The business partner of Our Company covers: Governmental Authorities, Petrochemical Industry, Public Security System, Prisons, Financial Institutions, Airports, Communication System, Hotels, and Commercial Centers, etc.Recently, Our Company has achieved much in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry. Up to now, Our Company has provided Closed-circuit Television system for Shan-Jing Gas Pipeline, Xinjiang Kurle Oil Tank Pipeline, Xinjiang Tuha Oil Field Pipeline, Lan-Cheng-Yu Oil Transportation Pipeline, Yong-Hu-Ning Oil Transportation Pipeline, etc. In addition, Our Company is also proficient in monitoring data transmission via satellite, optical fiber and microwave.