柏斯琴行于1986年成立于香港,經過近二十年的快速發展,柏斯琴行已成為一個集樂器銷售,樂器制造,音樂培訓于一體的企業集團。 柏斯琴行在香港及中國大陸擁有完善的樂器銷售網絡。在香港,柏斯擁有二十多間門店遍布于香港、九龍、新界。在中國大陸,柏斯在上海、北京、廣州、深圳等25個城市開有五十家連鎖門店。 柏斯琴行業務涉及諸多世界著名品牌的樂器,包括FAZIOLI、CASIO、ROLAND、BACH等。柏斯琴行的客戶包括各大音樂廳、劇院、音樂學院、專業藝術團體,其中上海大劇院、上海東方藝術中心、上海音樂學院等都與柏斯琴行有良好的合作關系。柏斯琴行通過不懈的努力將優質的樂器帶給廣大的愛樂人士。 柏斯琴行的業務也涉及到音樂培訓。柏斯藝校設有多種課程供不同年齡段,不同需求的客戶選擇。柏斯琴行秉承“推廣音樂文化,培養音樂人才”的宗旨,熱忱于社會公益事業,大力贊助各種音樂文化活動,不斷以音樂的形式回饋社會。 對人才的重視是柏斯高速發展的源動力,柏斯已經為各類人才準備了廣闊的職業發展空間和實現自我價值的寶貴機遇,歡迎各位有志之士加盟柏斯,共創輝煌!更多信息,可以登錄到 www.parsonsmusic Parsons Music Limited was founded in 1986. Since then, it has become one of the largest and the most prestigious music stores in Hong Kong, which has 50 specified shops throughout China. To keep pace with the economic development of the mainland China, we set up our first branch in Guangzhou in 1993. We now have a very strong sales network in China. Provide an easily accessible service to all music lovers is our mission. In order to satisfy the strict demand of our customers, the brands we honorably represent are meticulously chosen. They are of the best qualities, which are widely used by world-class virtuosos and famous concert halls. We particularly pay emphasis on the after-sales services of products. Parsons Music After-Sales Service Department is specially designed to provide most comprehensive after-sales services to customers including regular piano check up, tuning, maintenance and transportation.For more information, please visit our web site: www.parsonsmusic