天津佰安的母公司為日本寶翎,成立于1960年,股東分別為德國科德寶集團和日本東麗集團,日本寶翎是亞洲大的無紡布制造商并且是世界頂級制造商之一。日本寶翎公司研發、制造和銷售短纖維無紡布用于汽車頂棚及其他室內裝飾材料,旗下的佰安集團成為汽車腳墊行業的領導者。天津佰安汽車用品有限公司成立于2005年,主要面對亞洲汽車市場生產和銷售高品質、定制設計的腳墊。自建廠以來天津佰安的規模和產量均取得了很大的增長和突破,主要客戶為豐田、日產和三菱等知名汽車廠商,以可靠的信譽、優質的產品和具競爭力的價格在世界汽車腳墊市場開創了一片屬于自己的天空。佰安集團將力行總公司的使命,為中國乃至**汽車市場做出更大的貢獻.Tianjin VIAM 's parent company Japan Vilene Company, Ltd. formed in 1960 as a joint venture of the Freudenberg Group and Toray Industries Inc. for the production of non-woven fabric in Japan. Japan Vilene is Asia's largest manufacturer of dry-laid and specialty non-woven and ranks among the worlds top manufacturers of non-woven materials.Japan Vilene manufactures and markets staple-fiber nonwoven fabrics for the use as headliners and other interior materials for the automotive industry. VIAM group, a wholly - owned subsidiary companies of Japan Vilene is becoming a leader in automotive floor mats.Tianjin VIAM Automotive Products was established in 2005 to manufacture and sell high quality, customized design floor mats to the Asian automotive marketplace.Tianjin VIAM is honor to cooperate with many well-known motor corporations such as Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi. Tianjin VIAM will continuously complete group conceptions to contribute China even though global auto market by high quality products and competitive price.