天津廣仕國際貿易有限公司,擁有完善的供應鏈系統,包括進出口貿易、報關、倉儲物流、國內銷售。公司由多年從事專業外貿營銷工作的精英組成,多年來一直與歐洲各國、東南亞、美洲各國及日本、韓國保持著良好的貿易往來。 近年來為不斷滿足國內客戶對食品的更高需求,我公司利用覆蓋世界各地的客戶網絡,通過**采購,精心篩選,自行經營、代理了國際著名品牌的食品,包括了美國、德國、比利時、意大利、馬來西亞、越南、韓國、日本、新加坡等多個國家,2000多個國際品牌,3000多個品種的特色食品,其中包括休閑食品、營養早餐、各種飲料、酒水、食用油、調料等。 天津廣仕國際貿易有限公司憑借自身優勢,廣泛接觸世界各地的重要食品供應商,及時傳遞**食品的新動態,是進口食品引進資源豐富、種類齊全、產品集中的貿易公司。公司一直以來努力,將全新的進口食品銷售理念帶入中國,現有銷售網絡已遍及上海、南京、北京、天津、成都、重慶、廣州、西安、沈陽等10幾個地區20多個城市,已涉及賣場系統有華潤萬家、沃爾瑪、歐尚、樂購、易買得、大潤發等,現有經銷商100多家。公司一直以更科學的管理、更完善的產品庫、更快速便捷的物流配送為目標,創立品牌效應,努力為每一位客戶提供**、優質、滿意的服務。公司使命是:致力于健康食品的營銷,幫助更多中國家庭提高生活品質。公司愿景是:成為世界的食品營銷公司。公司價值觀是:誠信、感恩、敬業、創新。COMPANY PROFILETianjin Wide Career International Trade Co. Ltd is an integrated international trade company registered in Tianjin Free Trade Zone。Our company owns a smooth process of import-export trade; customs clearance; storage and logistic and domestic distribution. All the staff is specialized in marketing elites, this also assures our company keep harmonious partnerships with Europe, South-East Asia, America, Japan, and South Korea for all the time. Besides the import-export trade which covers several fields like food and beverage; light industry; Electronics and mechanics, we also could machine OEM products for our clientsIn order to meet the steadily broadening demands of our domestic clients, we purchase, choose, , self-manage through our global clients network, now become the agent for over 2000 international brands of foods which includes USA, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Malaysia, South Korea; Japan; Singapore. The food contains over 3000 kinds that includes snack, nutritious breakfast cereals, beverage, wine, mineral water, alcohol, edible oil and seasoning.Tianjin Wide Career Int'l Co., Ltd depending on its own advantage, widely contact with important suppliers of food and beverage all over the world. The company transmits the newest trend of the global food and beverage in time, the company is a trade company has rich resource of imported food and beverage, full-range and product focus. The company always do efforts to bring the new sale thought of imported food and beverage into China, Now the sales network is all over 10 areas and 20 cities include Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Shenyang, and so on. The system of our market have involved in CR Vanguard, Wal-mart, Auchan group, Tesco, E-mart, RT-Mart Supermarket and so on, now we are cooperating with 100 distributors. Our company always aims at the more scientific management, more perfect product library, more quick and easy logistics and distribution. We bulid the brand effect of our products and try our best to provide effective, quality, satisfactory service to every customers. Our Mission: Committed to healthy food marketing and help more Chinese families improve their quality of life.Our Vision: Become a world-class food marketing company Our Values: Integrity Gratitude Dedication Innovation