IMG是總部設在瑞士的國際管理咨詢公司, 為SAP的**合作伙伴。 我們是IMG在中國的全資子公司,成立于2005年8月,總部建立于上海,并于去年在北京建立了分部。公司的ERP咨詢部門將致力于為中國企業提供的咨詢服務,技術咨詢部門將為用戶提供客戶化開發服務。我們的目標是為用戶提供完整的、的信息化解決方案的同時,為用戶提供基于項目管理基礎上的項目實施服務。公司雖然在國際上具有10多年的發展歷程,但在中國還是一家年輕的公司,具有巨大的發展空間,將為各種有才干的員工提供了廣闊的舞臺。衷心地邀請有志之士加入我們的團隊,在這個舞臺上與公司共同成長,成為的咨詢師、系統工程師、項目管理者。以出色的技術團隊和優質的客戶服務贏得競爭優勢,成就公司及個人的價值與輝煌。上??偛康刂罚?上海市浦東新區嶗山路322號北京辦公室地址:北京市朝陽區曙光西里甲1號第三置業A座。www.imgchina欲了解更詳細的信息請訪問我們的網站。IMG China Co. LtdWe are IMG, an international management consulting company headquartered in St. Gallen (Switzerland), specializes in the application of innovative business models to processes and systems. IMG is a global partner of SAP. IMG China is established in August 2005 in Shanghai, China. Now we are looking for the SAP SD/ MM/ PP/ FI/ CO/ BC/ modules experienced consultants for IMG China. Employees working at IMG provide the skill, enthusiasm, creativity and professionality to realise modern E-Business networks. We believe in long term relationships with our employees. Because our employees cannot be copied, they provide us with a significant competitive advantage. We work together with our employees to develop their professional value and thus ensure their continued employability.Visit us at www.imgchina for more details about our company.About S&TS&T System Integration and Technology is an Austria listed company with a successful operational presence through 70 branch offices in 22 countries. As a leading provider of IT consulting, IT solutions and IT services, S&T is active in serving target customers in the manufacturing, financial service, telecommunications and utilities industries. As a result of its rapid expansion and continuous growth plan in China, a need has risen for Finance and Administration Manager in the China head office Shanghai.