The EtonHouse International Education Group was founded in 1995 in Singapore. In?18 years, EtonHouse has expanded to?70 international schools and pre-schools across Singapore, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Malaysia,etc. Together, these schools provide quality international education to over 6000 children from?61 nationalities.?The curriculum follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy of Inquiry-based learning. For the early years programme ( Nursery to Kindergarten), a child-responsive, play-based, “Inquire ·Think·Learn” pedagogy is followed. The early childhood curriculum is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach. ? 伊頓國際教育集團在新加坡成立于1995年。發展的18年來,在新加坡、中國、印度、印尼、日本、韓國和馬來西亞等共擁有70所國際學校和學前教育學校。所有學校為來自61個不同國家的6000多名學生提供高品質的國際教育。?伊頓國際教育集團的教學,采用國際文憑組織IB課程的標準要求。早期教育活動,以幼兒的反應,以及游戲活動為基礎,在教育活動中,遵從“探索、思考、學習”的伊頓國際教育集團的教育學理念。伊頓的早期教育課程也吸收了意大利瑞吉歐教育活動的精華。