??SAACKE QINGDAO MARINE BOILER CO., LTD. is located in Qingdao Development Area, it is a joint-venture company invested by SAACKE GmbH, Bremen, Germany and Qingdao Huatong Group, Qingdao, China. SAACKE holds 86.1% share.Main product is marine boiler and its related equipments.We welcome active young generations and expert technical person, come to join us!本公司坐落于青島經濟技術開發區機械工業園,為中德合資企業。合資德方為**著名燃燒器開發生產企業,中方為青島華通集團。自2003年5月成立以來本公司已交貨的船用鍋爐及其配套遍及**。公司目前共有職工150人,年產船用鍋爐300余臺。本公司歡迎各位專業人才與我們聯系!地 址: 青島開發區延河路159號固定電話: 0532-86059506郵箱:office@saacke