青島福萊易通軟件有限公司創立于2001年。產品研發和技術中心設立在國家火炬計劃軟件產業基地——“青島軟件園”,公司配備先進的研發設備和安全**的網絡運行環境,建立了“客戶導向、自主創新”的研發機制。眾多科研技術人才凝聚在此,秉承“致力專業、追求卓越”的發展理念,厚積薄發,力當中國建設工程領域信息化建設的排頭兵。公司自主研發的“福萊一點通”系列軟件產品主要應用于建設行業造價管理信息服務和行政監督管理方向,內容涵蓋工程量計算和造價整體解決方案以及建設工程招標投標監管平臺。“福萊一點通”軟件在建設行業造價管理信息服務和行政監督管理方面齊頭并進,取得了一系列可喜的成績。從1995年發布山東省**款Windows平臺的工程造價軟件起,到2008年 “工程造價三維監控平臺”被國家科技部立項;從2006年前**紀委書記吳官正親臨視察青島市電子評標項目運行,到2011年山東省建設工程招投標管理系統的全面啟動。眾多重大項目和新成果的研發成功,展示了公司的技術創新實力。公司網址:www.flyedt/flyedt About us:Qingdao FLYEDT Software Ltd. was established in 2001. Product development and technology center set up in the State Torch Program Software Industrial Base - "Qingdao Software Park", the company is equipped with advanced R & D equipment and safe and efficient operation of the network environment, the establishment of the "customer orientation, innovation," the research and development mechanism. Many outstanding scientific and technical personnel in this rally, adhering to the "professional committed to the pursuit of excellence" concept of development, profound knowledge, the force field when the Chinese construction of information technology in recent years.Company developed "FLYEDT" family of software products are mainly used in the construction industry, cost management information services and administrative supervision and management direction, covering engineering calculation and cost of the overall solution and monitoring platform construction project bidding."FLYEDT" in the construction industry, cost management software information services and administrative supervision and management go hand in hand, made ??a series of encouraging results. Shandong Province from 1995 released the first Windows platform software project cost up to 2008 "project cost three-dimensional monitoring platform" by the State Ministry of Science project; from 2006 years ago, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Wu Guanzheng inspected the electronic evaluation projects in Qingdao runs to 2011 Shandong Province construction project bidding management system started.A number of major projects and successful development of new results, showing the company's technical innovation strength.