青島泰和信家居用品有限公司成立于2001年,專業的玻璃和柳編制品的設計和生產公司。主要產品出口到歐洲、美國、日本等國家和地區。我們堅持與設計與品質的理念。我們的設計團隊來自瑞典,法國,英國和國內,每年為世界各地的客人奉獻出上百款的新產品。T&T Homewarewas founded in 2001, we have been specializing in the design and production of glassware and willow products for more than 10 years. We respect original design and high quality products, 70 percent of our product are exported to Europe and Japan, our two major markets.High Quality ProductsWith high quality products, we have won the trust of many international famous brands and companies, established long term cooperative relationship, such as IKEA, argos, sainsbury, Leonardo(Germany)Team of designersOur designer team is constituted with well-known designers from France, US, Sweden, China etc., that can annually provide more than 100 models of new original designed products.