Fosber is a leading globalsupplier for the design, construction and installationof complete linesas well as individual machine units for the production of corrugated boardpackaging.Originally founded in Luccain 1978, through its Italian headquarters and strategically locatedsubsidiaries in theUSA andChina, the Fosber Group today supplies completecorrugators as well as major machine upgrades across the globe with a totaldedication to quality and customer service.Our renowned focus oncontinuous evolution and innovation, coupled with our constant investment inR&D are the keys of the company's success. In what are continuouslychanging and evermore demanding markets, the Fosber Group delivers the mostup-to-date technology to guarantee its customers high performance, totalproduction flexibility, dramatically reduced running costs, less complexity,and enhanced reliability. 佛斯伯公司是一家世界尖端的瓦楞紙板生產設備供應商,主要業務涉及瓦楞紙板整套生產線及單獨設備的設計,制造以及安裝。 佛斯伯公司于1978年在意大利盧卡始成立,通過位于意大利的總部及美國與中國的戰略子公司,如今佛斯伯集團奉行高質量及卓越客戶服務的宗旨,不斷在**范圍內為客戶提供整套瓦楞紙板生產線以及主要設備的升級服務。 我公司以不斷發展以及持續創新而于業界內享有聲譽,此外,對于研發的持續投入是公司成功的關鍵。在瞬息萬變而且客戶需求愈發嚴格的當今市場中,佛斯伯集團向其客戶提供先進的同時又不復雜的運行可靠的技術,以確保生產的靈活性,并大幅降低運行成本。