About HSBCHSBC is one of the leading banking andfinancial services organisations in the world. In 70 countries and territoriesserving around 37 million customers, we connect customers to opportunities,enabling businesses to thrive and economies to prosper. We help people tofulfil their hopes and dreams and realise their ambitions by providingaward-winning advisory, products and services.HSBC Operations, Services and Technologyprovides essential operational services, IT and technical support to help HSBCfunction effectively and improve our customer service.About HSBC Technology ChinaWe develop, implement and support softwareand IT services and processes that allow HSBC to remain at the forefront ofhigh-quality banking systems. We develop and maintain systems for HSBC’s globalbusinesses, as well as support functions such as Finance, HR and Risk. We workacross a range of technology platforms and development disciplines, frommainframe to mobile technologies.Our teamincludes software engineers and developers, architects, testers, IT andbusiness analysts, consultants and programme and project managers, as well asteam leadership and management roles. We employ people in almost all thecountries and territories in which HSBC operates. Twolocations of HSBC Technology China, including Guangzhou and Xi’an, areworld-class technology hubs with industrial delivery capability.Who we look forWe have excitingopportunities for highly motivated graduates and experienced professionals tojoin our talented IT team and ensure HSBC realises its ambition to be theworld’s leading and most respected international bank. We are looking forpeople who are dependable, open to different ideas and cultures and enjoy beingpart of a team. In return, wewill help develop your skills through structured programmes, training andon-the-job experiences to meet your career ambitions. We offer comprehensive,market-competitive pay and benefits as well as programmes and plans to assistemployees in building and protecting their financial security.If you areinterested in working with the teams that develop, implement and support thetechnology that keeps HSBC functioning effectively, we hope to hear from you.Find out more about us in Website: www.hsbc/careersOr Follow us on WeChat Career Account bysearching “匯豐軟件人才招聘”