Active Tools (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd是Active Tools跨國集團旗下的在中國內地投資創建的獨資子公司,Active Tools跨國集團總部位于香港,并且在歐洲丹麥,德國,北美地區設有分支機構,產品主要包括Airman系列即時多功能補胎工具,及Airman補胎劑。集團公司自建立以來發展迅速,世界多家著名汽車制造廠家已經成為我們的良好合作伙伴,如德國大眾集團,GM集團, 梅塞德斯奔馳集團, 日本三菱,Renault/Nissan, Suzuki, 福特等。為了開發亞洲市場冠瑞貿易(上海)有限公司于2007年3月在上海成立。公司主要面向中國地區及亞洲其他國家經營Active Tools 的Airman 系列即時補胎易產品及亞洲地區之汽車廠。公司先后通過了TS 16949:2002 ISO14001:2004等國際認證。 現在我們正在征集全國各地有實力之經銷商共同發展.共創雙贏.Active Tools International with the head quarter located in HK who owns branch offices in Denmark, Germany, USA and Shanghai. Our products are air compressors and Tire repair kit. We are the tier one supplier for Europe VW/Audi, GM/Opel, Daimler Chrysler, Renault/Nissan, Suzuki and Ford. In order to promote our products in Asia, Active Tools International has set up one sales office in Shanghai since March 2007 – Active Tools (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. who is in charge of sales for car makers and after market for Asia. We have quality systems of TS16949:2000 and ISO14001:2004, now is looking for the distributors and partner for Asian market.