仲琦科技(蘇州工業園區)有限公司 心懷人文,馳騁科技 1986年, 仲琦科技股份有限公司(Hitron Technologies Inc.)于臺北成立。仲琦科技成立之初,以引進高科技產品及提供專業服務為企業經營目標;后轉型成為通訊及信息系統整合商,提供系統規劃、整合應用、建置與售后服務。1992年,仲琦科技以永續經營自有品牌的理念,成立新竹分公司。主要研發生產一系列電信接入設備(Telecom Access Network)及有線寬頻(DOCSIS)相關網絡產品。2005年,仲琦科技在蘇州工業園區成立仲琦科技(蘇州工業園區)有限公司, 同時在蘇州國際科技園設立軟件研發處。仲琦科技已經成功發展出自有品牌,多次應邀參加業內知名博覽會(IBC, The Cable Show, ANGA Show,CCBN,CES…),獲得多項國際認證。仲琦科技(HITRON)的產品,贏得了海外市場的廣泛贊譽與肯定。仲琦科技已經成為**重要的有線寬頻設備供應商之一。為了將科技實力及營銷布局**,仲琦科技積極拓展海外據點。先后于美洲、歐洲、大陸等地區設立分公司,充分掌握新發展趨勢與技術,與世界潮流同步。 仲琦科技蘇州研發處主要研發設計有線寬頻(DOCSIS/PacketCable)類產品: (1)Cable CPE: Cable Modem, eMTA(VOIP), Router(WiFi) Gateway, IPTV; (2)Module: DOCSIS 2.0, DOCSIS 3.0; (3)Infrastructure/Backbone: Downstream Monitor, Ingress Noise Blocker. 在此誠邀各路精英加盟,與我們一起面對挑戰、共同成長!大事紀 1986年,成立仲琦科技(臺北) 1992年,成立新竹科學園區分公司 1996年,成立I.S.P分公司 1998年12月,掛牌上柜 2000年 9月,掛牌上市 2003年,成立子公司-互動國際數位股份有限公司 2005年,成立蘇州子公司 2009年,成立歐洲分公司(瑞士) 2010年,成立深圳辦事處Established in 1986, Hitron Technologies Inc. (2419.TW) is headquartered in Taiwan, with its main development and operation centers in both Taiwan and China. Hitron aims to set its footprints in the global markets. "Challenging the future and embracing the global market" has always been the direction that Hitron follows.Hitron believes that leading technology is an essential element for enterprises to advance the future, and service excellence is the only way to win customers' loyalty.Hitron has accumulated years of experience in providing telecom, networking and communication solutions to our customers. Faced with future challenges, Hitron will spare no effort to develop innovative technology and provide excellent services to build Hitron a successful global brand.Hitron has delivered more than a million DOCSIS related products annually for both residential and business applications to major MSOs worldwide.Hitron is pleased to present you latest DOCSIS 3.0 developments as following:Cable IAD: DOCSIS 3.0 Quad-Play / Wireless EMTAA triple-Play Euro DOCSIS 3.0 gateway with wireless telephony in both DECT 6.0 and CAT-iq application on top of the wired phone lines. The Quad-Play gateway will fully utilize channel bonding bandwidth together with 802.11n technology to provide a stable solution for more than 200MB of bandwidth for both wired and wireless applications.DOCSIS based Ingress Noise Blocker: New deployment concept for MSOThe DOCSIS-Based Ingress Noise Blocker (DNBTM) is a new technology concept that will enable MSOs to enhance their network efficiency and lower maintenance costs, with support for multiple upstreams that address for DOCSIS 3.0 requirements.Full product line for DOCSIS 3.0 Supporting B2B ApplicationsHitron continues to deliver all Cable products with DOCSIS 3.0/Euro DOCSIS 3.0 technology, including basic modem, 8x4 IPTV Gateway with mutiple tuners solution for IPTV application, EMTA, router, wireless AP/Router, as well as business applications running on all of these.Cable Module for set top box (STB) and other unique applicationsHitron's extensive range of DOCSIS modules, supporting integration STBs as well as measurement and HFC management applications.