上海愷杰汽車塑料零部件有限公司為中美合資企業,于2005 年8月1日正式掛牌成立。投資雙方為美國Key Plastics公司與上海杰華汽車飾件發展中心,注冊資金為8000萬人民幣?,F有從業人員650余人,主要生產汽車塑料零部件,例如:出風口、面板、門把手、杯托、儲物盒、內飾油漆裝飾件、動力轉向瓶等,涉及工藝有單色、雙色注塑、涂裝、裝配、鐳雕、移印。公司現有客戶為大眾、通用、東風日產、長安福特、Nissan日本、寶馬、奧迪、延鋒內外飾、延鋒江森、Visteon 、Bosch、Continental等大型跨國集團。 公司總部和主生產地坐落在上海浦東康橋工業區內,占地2萬平方米左右,擁有能力強大的研發技術中心以及實驗能力,能夠研發客戶所需的各類汽車零部件內外飾件和塑料零部件等。目前運行的有數十臺注塑機和4條自動涂裝生產線(具備水性漆和高光噴涂能力)。2012年,煙臺新工廠建成投產,2014年武漢新工廠建成投產。愷杰公司竭誠為客戶提供高質的產品和優質的服務! Company IntroductionShanghai Key Automotive Plastic Component Co,Ltd, established on August 1st 2005, is a Sino-US joint venture invested by Key Plastics and Shanghai Jiehua Trim Center with the registered capital of 80 million RMB. Shanghai Key has employees over 650 people. Main product includes air vent, bezel, door handle, cup-holder, interior painting part, power steering bottle ,etc. Main manufacturing process includes single and two-shot injection, painting, assembly, laser etching, pad printing, etc. Shanghai Key’s products serve many world wide famous multinational corporations such as GM,VW , Nissan, Ford, BMW, Audi, Yanfeng Interior, YF JCI, Visteon, Bosch, Continental, etc.Shanghai Key headquarters and main production area are located at Kangqiao Industry Zone Pudong Shanghai, wiith an area of 20000 sq.m. Strong R&D capability and lab capability enables the company to design and develop plastic components for our customers. Shanghai Key is equipped with 30 injection machines and four painting lines (water base painting and high gloss painting). Shanghai Key Yantai branch is established in 2012 and Wuhan branch is established in 2014.Shanghai Key dedicates to provide high quality products and first-class service to our customers! 面試交通:1、地鐵1號線莘莊地鐵站換乘鶴莘線,到上南路康悟路下,往回走**個路口右轉(約300米)。2、地鐵2號線龍陽路站換乘龍大線到滬南公路秀浦路下車,沿秀浦路西向約500米。(龍大線車程約30分鐘,下車后步行約10分鐘)或是992,浦衛線到滬南公路秀浦路。3、地鐵11號線浦三路站下,請打車(約5公里)。4、地鐵16號線周浦下站,請打車(約4公里)。5、人民廣場451、581路公交車到滬南路康橋路下車,向南到秀浦路西向500米。6、萬體館乘萬周線,趙家宅下車,向北1000米。 上班交通:公司共有2條班車線路,到莘莊地鐵站,曹楊,大華等地。