關于森唯 森唯(北京)建筑工程有限公司專業從事室內設計、施工、工程管理和成本分析。公司創始于2001年,追求卓越是我們這家年輕公司不竭的動力,幾年來,我們打造了眾多的項目,在業內逐步享有盛譽。公司已在北京、上海和香港設立分支機構。 公司員工均受過良好的專業培訓,他們經驗豐富,在設計和施工的每一個過程中追求“專業化+職業道德”的商業理念,致力于為客戶提供優解決方案。 我們認為每位客戶跟每個工程一樣都是獨一無二的,因此,從初次聯系到工程移交,我們都會為您提供貼近的服務。About S&W SUNWELL(BEIJING) DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD practice professionally in office design & construction service since 2001. During these years, our young company has created many excellent works based on our enterprising spirit. We have built a high reputation step by step. Sunwell Offices in Beijing,Shanghai and Hong Kong.Our company has a team of highly qualified professionals, including engineers, certified project managers and interior designers. Our employees and partners have rich market related experience. We are committed to provide professional services in consultancy, interior designing and construction. Cost and time management is also our high priority.