寶得流體控制系統 于1946年由Christian Bürkert 先生創建, 是100%的家族企業。我們為您提供可信賴的**經驗。Bürkert組織機構靈活,程序多變。我們一直致力于為我們的客 戶和我們自己創造成功。在研發和員工培訓方面持續不斷的投入使我們可以為我們的客戶提供好的技術和服務。對于您在流體加工控制上的任何要求或目標,您盡可信賴Bürkert;我們將同您一起努力,尋找到技術和經濟雙重角度好的解決方案。 在成長過程中,國外的銷售活動在擴張,同時在關鍵工業化國家中的分支機構也在增加。我們的**機構使我們可以關注特定市場典型的問題,并為我們的客戶提供在他們所在國家有效的解決方案。從而造就了今天所組成的**網絡。 Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Founded in 1946 by Christian Bürkert is 100% family-owned company. We offer global experience you can rely on. Bürkert is an adaptable organisation with flexible processes. We are continually committed to achieving success, both for our customers and ourselves. Consistent and continuous investment in research & development and in staff training enables us to offer our customers the very best in technology and services. For any request or goal you might have for your fluid process control, Bürkert can be relied upon; working together with you, we'll find the best solution, both from a technical and an economical point of view. As Bürkert has grown, sales activities abroad have expanded, supported by an increasing number of subsidiaries in key industrialised countries. Our global presence enables us to focus on the most topical problems in specific markets, whilst offering our customers the most efficient solutions in their country.