索普瑞瑪公司1908年創建于法國的斯特拉斯堡,是世界著名的防水材料制造商。在全世界80多個國家和地區擁有11個卷材生產基地。SBS改性瀝青防水卷材是本公司的核心產品,技術和質量一直處于世界領導地位。公司擁有先進的生產工藝設備、優質的原材料供應、嚴格的質量控制,還有完善的節點處理和施工程序、優質的售后服務。百年結晶的解決方案,使SOPREMA產品聞名**。2004年,索普瑞瑪進入中國。索普瑞瑪上海建材貿易有限公司2007年成立于上海,2009年索普瑞瑪濟南辦事處成立。在中國的這幾年里,索普瑞瑪獲得了許多機會為中國建筑領域貢獻自己的力量,如國家體育場(鳥巢)復興門橋,動物園路橋等。經過百年的發展和創新,索普瑞瑪集團為不同用戶提供了一系列優質的系統方案。Sopranature屋頂花園系統開發于1982年,擁有完整的系統理念和針對不同條件的相應解決方案。該系統節約資源、環境友好,率先在歐洲推廣應用,目前已成功地應用在世界各地1000多項工程中。Antirock橋梁防水系統在鐵路高架橋項目上的應用早追溯于1912年的瑞士Langvies鐵路高架橋,世界級的Antirock路橋梁防水系統是指全自動鋪設機-MACADEN自動快捷地鋪設卷長200m的Antirock橋梁防水專用卷材。在中國,MACADEN全自動鋪設系統以其高質、**、環保、低成本的突出特色贏得了客戶的高度贊許。法拉格于1963年創建于意大利,同年開始生產PVC防水卷材,并于1990年成功研制生產TPO防水卷材,成為歐洲專業生產高分子卷材的領導者。2008年,法拉格正式加入索普瑞瑪集團。索普瑞瑪法拉格的輕鋼屋面系統優異的耐低溫性,極強的尺寸穩定性,高抗風化和防紫外線能力,出色的解決了輕鋼屋面防水的難題,大大的延長了輕鋼結構建筑屋面的使用壽命。如果您想加入我們或想了解更多 請登陸 www.sopremaSOPREMA Group is an international manufacturer specializing in development and production of waterproofing products for the building and civil engineering sectors. SOPREMA, founded in 1908, has its headquarters in Strasbourg, France and operates 11 manufacturing facilities all around world and active in 80 countries.SBS modified bitumen membrane is core products of company, and it has always been a world leader with its advanced production process equipment, high-quality raw materials, strict quality control. It has obtained the total trust of customers with its perfect solutions of details , construction procedures,high-quality after-sales service. A centenary stallization solutions makes SOPREMA well-known all over the world.In 2004,Soprema came to Beijing,China. Soprema Shanghai trading company was established in 2007 and Soprema Jinan in 2009. In the years of China,Soprema got many big oppurtunities to service Chinese Building field,like National stadium(The Bird’s Nest), Fu Xingmen Bridge, Zoo Road Bridge and so on.With over hundred years developing and inovation, Soprema Group services a wild range of solutions for different applications. Sopranature green roof system developed in 1982, it has a complete system concept and different solutions for different conditions. The system is resource-saving, environment-friendly, the first in Europe to promote the application has been successfully applied in more than 1000 of projects around the world.Soprema Antirock System for bridge deck waterproofing could be traced back to the Swiss Langvies railway viaduct in 1912. The world-class ANTIROCK road bridge waterproofing system means the automatic machine-MACADEN can install the 200-meter length membrane automatically and quickly. In China, MACADEN automatic laying system gets the outstanding praisefrom clients with its high quality, efficiency, environmentally friendly, low-cost.Flag was founded in Italy in 1963, starting to produce PVC waterproofing membrane at the same year. In 1990, company developed TPO waterproofing membrane successfully.Since then it turned into the leader of specializing in polymer membranes in Europe. In 2008, Flagon joined Soprema Group officially. Light steel roof system of Soprema Flagon has pretty advantages: low temperature resistance, strong dimensional stability, high-wind-based and anti-UV ability, solving the light steel roofing problems successfully, extending the life of the light steel roofing greatly.Welcome to our website www.soprema