MeritBroad (Beijing) Consultancy specializes in the recruitment and development of bilingual/international-caliber professional and management talent for leading international companies in China. Since 2007, our human capital sourcing and development services have focused on combining an in-depth knowledge of global management practices and standards, an understanding of business and management issues and challenges in China, and a consulting/advisory approach related to career development and success for professionals working in the mainland. In particular, we have placed many "homegrown", mainland returnee, regional, and overseas Chinese, middle to senior management, professionals within companies competing in China's fast growing information technology/telecomm, business services, pharmaceutical and life science, and real-estate companies. From our recruitment experience, we know very well the career motivations of professionals and expectations of global businesses in relation to today's hiring realities for this market.For mainland China Job Seekers, Merit Broad services include: l Career guidance and advice on developing and attaining your career success in China l Job market insights that help you to explore your industry and career interestsl Key talent and hiring market informationl Job search planning and advice l Feedback and input on how employers may view your employment background l Guidance and advice on how to capture particular job opportunities For Greater China Employers, MeritBroad services include:? Thorough qualification of high potential candidates for your position ? Detailed summary write-ups of qualified candidates ? Search advice and hiring strategies ? Feedback on key talent and job market trends ? Candidate reference checks ? Market-based input on compensation packages and salary informationPlease follow the linkto learn more about us: www.meritbroador send your inquiriesto: recruit@meritbroad