TBWA騰邁\中國集團TBWA騰邁\中國集團 隸屬于TBWA Worldwide,我們的使命是提供讓我們客戶和其品牌擁有更大前景的創意。?Group的核心是什么?Group意味著什么?——顛覆。 顛覆是一種思考方式:打破傳統的模式,建立新的思路,創造新的想法來賦予品牌新的生命。TBWA騰邁\中國集團在上海,北京和廣州分別設有公司,我們為全世界眾多知名品牌提供整合服務,其中包括麥當勞、阿迪達斯、米其林、陌陌、Orange Garten、西門子等。TBWA騰邁\中國集團包括TBWA\ (廣告和策略傳播), TEQUILA\ (客戶關系管理), Integer (零售市場營銷), Agency (電子營銷市場),?以及?\Auditoire (高級大型活動)。欲了解公司詳情,請登錄www.tbwa。??TBWA\Group\China?TBWA\Group\China is part of?TBWA Worldwide. Our mission is to create ideas that give our clients and their brands a greater share of the future. At the core of what the Group is and what it stands for is Disruption. Disruption is a way of thinking that challenges established conventions and creates new visions that re-vitalize brands and businesses.?With offices in Shanghai,Beijing, and Guangzhou, we provide integrated services to many of the world's most famous brands; adidas, McDonald’s, Nivea, Michelin, Bacardi, Pepsi, Martell, Royal Salute,?Visa, to name a few. TBWA\Group\China includes TBWA\ (Advertising and Strategy), TEQUILA\ (1-1 Marketing), INTEGER\ (Shopper Marketing), AGENCY.COM\ (Digital Marketing), and AUDITOIRE\ (Premium and Luxury Events). To learn more about our organization, please visit?www.tbwa