FormelD is a global service provider to the automotive and component supply industry.The company develops leading concepts and individual, scalable solutions forquality assurance and process optimization along the entire automotive valuechain - from development to production through to aftersales. With itsservices, Formel D helps get vehicles and components ready for the market andmakes sure that service processes are implemented and optimized. This range ofservices extends from testing, reconstruction, rework and retrofitting ofvehicles and components to quality testing, including the rectification ofminor faults, through to assuming the overall responsibility for outsourcedprocess steps in development, production and aftersales. Training andconsultancy services safeguard the transfer of know-how. Formel D has over6,000 people from 45 nations operating in intercultural teams in more than 80 branchoffices across 19 countries.In China,Formel D operates currently through 6 offices with more than 1000 employees. Weestablished Shanghai Formel D Technology and Engineering Co., Ltd. in Shanghaiin 2005, and expanded our presence successively in Beijing, Shenyang,Changchun, Chongqing and Chengdu. Always seeking to surpass what we haveachieved in the past, we also focus on exploring further high qualityresources, in order to continuously provide our customers with the bestsolutions.Please visitour website www.formeld for more information.福邁迪集團是一家旨在為汽車行業及其零配件生產商提供**化服務的企業。公司以行業的理念,為客戶量身定制解決方案,確保產品質量和流程優化,其服務涵蓋整個汽車行業價值鏈,從產品開發、生產直至售后。福邁迪幫助企業使整車及零件適應市場需求,并保證服務過程實現優化。這些服務涵蓋了從車輛檢測,返修,返工以及改裝,以及對零件的質量測試,故障零件返修;到全面承擔客戶針對各環節的外包服務,包括產品開發、生產以及售后。我們提供的培訓及咨詢服務將確保技術的轉移和交流。福邁迪在**擁有共計45個國籍,超過6,000名員工組成的跨文化運營團隊,在19個國家擁有80多個分公司。上海福邁迪工程技術有限公司作為福邁迪集團的全資子公司,于2005年成立于上海。此后業務相繼發展到北京,沈陽,長春,重慶,成都等地,目前擁有員工超過1000人。在不斷尋求突破的同時,我們更致力于拓展更多優質資源,以求為我們的客戶提供持續好的解決方案。更多信息請訪問福邁迪官方網站: www.formeld