互發人是一支具有國際化視野,細心**的龐大隊伍。在MBA 6Ω生產管理模式的引導下,我們建造了近乎的流水線,操作著先進齊全的生產設備,秉承著精益求精的理念,研發出一系列完整的具競爭力的產品陣容。主要板塊包括酒店用品、餐廚具、居家用品、裝飾用品等。長久以來,,這100多個系列600余個品種,規格齊全,工藝精湛,款式新穎,實用安全,價格實惠,深受著國內外銷售商和廣大消費者的贊譽.
Hufa Hardware Industrial Co., Ltd. has a long glorious history. Dated back to 1994, Hufa was the first plastic film plant in “the Stainless Steel Kingdom”—Caitang Town, Chaozhou, China. So far Hufa has evolved into a professional manufacturer of stainless steel kitchenware with self-support import and export right. Besides, Hufa is the only regional integrated enterprise that operates packaging materials processing, stainless steel sheets selling, as well as stainless steel products manufacturing and selling.
Hufa is equipped with advanced complete facilities and assembly lines that can produce over 600 kinds of products with about 100 series. Our products are mainly related to kitchenware, hotel supplies and decoration articles etc. We have a good market share and reputation home and abroad.
As an enterprise with international vision, Hufa adheres to quality control, customer service with competitive price and punctual shipment. Since our business nearly covers all the production chains of stainless steel, we’re more able to offer you good products with lower prices. To us, no business is too small, no problem is too big. Through exchanging ideas, we together could make things better. So take Hufa, start your enjoyable purchasing trip now!