華興資本集團成立于2004年,是中國的服務新經濟的金融機構。公司業務包括私募融資、兼并收購、證券承銷及發行、證券銷售與交易、私募股權投資、券商資產管理及其他服務。華興資本集團擁有中國大陸、香港和美國三地證券牌照,致力于為中國與**資本市場對接提供獨特、**的金融平臺,為中國新經濟創業家提供一站式金融服務。華興資本在北京、上海、香港和紐約設有辦公室,擁有近500名員工。憑借其在新經濟領域無可爭議的地位,華興資本集團為企業在其商業生命周期的各個階段提供定制化的金融服務。自成立以來,我們為中國新經濟公司前20強中的15家企業提供了服務,包括騰訊、阿里巴巴、百度和京東;也為中國大的40家獨角獸公司中超過半數的企業提供服務,包括滴滴和美團點評。僅在過去兩年中,我們分別為美團點評和滴滴籌集了42億美元和75億美元的私募融資。此外,在美團點評戰略合作、滴滴快滴合并等重要交易中,華興資本集團均擔任獨家財務顧問。作為中國的服務新經濟的金融機構,華興資本集團在中國私募融資市場中占主導地位,完成交易額超過300億美元。2014年至今,25個新經濟企業美國IPO交易中,只有12個項目有中國投行參與,華興不僅參與了其中10個項目,且在9個項目中為承銷團隊中唯一的中國投行,其中代表案例包括交易額為34億美元的京東IPO。2016年,華興資本集團作為唯一的中國投資銀行,幫助中通快遞登陸紐交所,此次上市共募集資金14億美元,成為近兩年赴美上市募資規模大的中國企業IPO。在二級市場,華興資本集團向**客戶提供廣泛的服務,如銷售、交易和研究。華興資本集團旗下的私募股權投資業務,2011年成立至今管理資產總額已超過100億人民幣,并取得了出色的投資業績。2016年,華菁證券獲得A股牌照。華菁證券擁有證券經紀、證券投資咨詢、證券承銷與保薦、證券資產管理業務牌照,吸引了諸多海內外金融人才,目前團隊規模近150人。華興資本集團已成為唯一一家同時具備美國、香港、中國大陸三地投行業務牌照的華資金融機構。Founded in 2004, CR Group is adiversified international financial services firm that operates investmentbanking, sales and trading, research, and investment management businesses. Fullylicensed in mainland China, Hong Kong and the U.S., CR Group operates a competitiveand unique international network connecting China’s capital market with therest of the world, serving best-in-class new economy entrepreneurs andinvestors on a global basis. It is headquartered inBeijing and has offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York, currentlyemploying more than 500 staff.With its indisputable leadingposition in new economy, CR Group provides differentiated financial servicesfor top-notch enterprises at all stages of their business life cycle. Sinceinception, we have consistently served 15 of the top 20 new economy companies inChina including Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu and JD, and over half of the top 40unicorn companies in China such as Didi and Meituan. As an example, just in thelast 2 years alone, we have raised US$4.2 billion private financing for Meituanand US$7.5 billion for Didi. In addition, we are also the sole M&A advisoron both Meituan’s merger with its top competitor Dianping, and Didi’s merger withits top competitor Kuaidi.As the No.1 financial advisor forleading Chinese new economy clients, CR Group dominates China’s privateplacement market with over US$30 billion completed in transaction value. As thetop underwriter for overseas IPOs of new economy companies, CR Groupparticipated in all 9 IPOs that took place in 2014 and 2015, and we are theonly Chinese investment bank in the syndicate for 7 IPOs, including the landmarkUS$3.4 billion IPO of JD. In 2016, CR Group once again acted as the onlyChinese investment bank in US$1.4 billion ZTO Express’s IPO, the largest overseasIPO of a Chinese new economy company in the past two years. In the secondary market,CR Group provides a wide range of services such as sales and trading and researchto global clients. CR Group is also a leading investment manager with over US$2billion in AUM and a proven investment track record.In 2016, CR Group's subsidiary,Huajing Securities, obtained its A-share license to provide complete advisory andsecurities services in mainland China. It has already assembled strong equityfinancing, debt financing and asset management teams to serve our existing andnew clients. CR Group is now the unique global financial service firms who canprovide full-service advisory and securities business in China, U.S. and HongKong.