沃茨水工業集團成立于1874年,是世界的創新水產品的制造商和服務提供商,產品集中于商業和居住用水、水循環利用和給排水、暖通空調和用氣以及水質量控制五大應用領域,享有“閥門標準制定者”的美譽。通過不斷優化產品研發及生產流程,沃茨致力于為客戶提供舒適安全且節能環保的解決方案,加速客戶可持續發展進程,同時降低他們的成本。Since its founding in 1874, Watts hasdeveloped a reputation of “Setting the Standard in Valve Technology.” Through afamily of companies, Watts Water Technologies, Inc. (collectively “Watts”)designs and manufactures innovative products and systems in five applicationareas: Plumbing & Flow Control, Water Reuse & Drainage, HVAC, Water Qualityand Conditioning, and Municipal Waterworks. Watts continues to createintegrated solutions for water quality and conservation and to improve comfort,safety, and quality of life for people around the world through expertise in awide range of water technologies.沃茨水工業以代號WTS在紐約交易所上市,作為一個上市企業始終秉持著五大**戰略:增長,商業卓越,卓越運營,“一個沃茨”,人才及績效計劃。Watts Water is traded on the New York Stock Exchangeunder the symbol “WTS.” As a public company, growing shareholder value iscritical. To that end, we focus on a five-part GlobalStrategy: Growth, Commercial Excellence, Operational Excellence, “One WattsWater,” and a Talent & Performance Culture.沃茨水工業在亞太中東及非洲地區致力于設計,生產并銷售種類豐富的給排水及暖通產品, 為各大企業、機構、原始設備制造商提供服務。 沃茨的服務主要集中于建立產品的生產和供應渠道,為原始設備制造商提供創新性的支持。沃茨在寧波的工廠尤其為中美雙方客戶提供進出口貿易,合規,貨物物流等整合服務。WattsAsia-Pacific, Middle East, & Africa companies design, manufacture, and sella comprehensive line of products for plumbing & heating applications andcommercial, institutional, and OEM customers. Our key capabilities include established manufacturingoperations, extensivedistribution network, innovative &comprehensive support for OEM customer system integrators, specialized Ningbo distributioncenter with several functions: centralized import/export activities to meet compliance requirements, support for “transit trading”for Americas & Asia-Pacific customers, consolidated distribution center for receiving &shipping goods, integratedservices to meet demand,market, and materials changes & supportcustomer service for Americas and Asia-Pacific operations.