www.korchina???1996年成立, IATA, FIATA永久會員; NVOCC(無船承運人)資質企業; ??96名專業管理和操作人員; ??35%/年增長率; ??6000萬美元/年營業額; ??1000家的尊貴客戶, 涵蓋**500強企業, 國內外知名企業. ??8000㎡, 6大倉儲基地,覆蓋深圳,香港各區; ??24hours CCTV監控,保稅&普通倉庫; ??Logic box信息化物流系統,客戶全程可視跟蹤; ??低廉的價格,直接的經濟成本享受; ??艙位,機位保證; ?“準時,準點,準確”.?韓中物流集團成立于1994年。在世界各地有26家分支機構.其中國內有14家,如上海,寧波,北京,深圳,廣州,青島,廈門等.國外有12家.如韓國,美國,日本,香港,新加坡,柬埔寨,泰國等.我們有獨家代理的輪船和飛機.能為您提供穩定的倉位,合理的價錢和可靠的船期.航線遍及全世界.自成立以來,韓中憑借現代的國際物流管理模式,充分建立國際代理的服務網絡,實現了多方位,多層次,多渠道的操作方式。提供攬貨、訂倉、海運整箱拼箱、空運、報關、報檢等相關的一站式專業化服務,以滿足不同客戶的需求Korchina Logistics welcomes your visit to our company website.As the Asian based Transportation Group, Korchina Logistics has grown into a powerful Logistics provider since 1994. To cope with the need of our clients, we have developed IT Logistics and Tailor made Service. And also we have put top priority to suggest our customers The SOLUTION which is regarded as our mottos. At present? Korchina Logistics, filled up with highly experienced and aggressive staff members, has its hub in Hong Kong, and has run its own offices in Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei and Nine China cities such as Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Yantai, Ningbo and Shenzhen. So we now cover up whole south east Aisa area including China.Along with our Asia network, our Logistic Services has extended to Warehousing, Inventory Control, Distribution and Express Courier services. It enables Korchina to create "Total Service by One Team."We hope that you would make it out about what we can co-operate with you. And we would appreciate it very much if you pay your consideration on our services and give us the opportunity to prove our competence.Yours Sincerely,KORCHINA LOGISTICS HOLDINGS LIMITED韓中物流集團有限公司是一家韓資香港公司。代理航空公司、船公司的貨運銷售業務,以及相關物流服務。香港總公司成立于1994年。中國大陸的大城市(廣州,深圳,上海,天津,北京,大連,青島等15個城市)、亞洲、歐洲、美洲都有分公司,并且控股報刊發行,保險代理,貿易倉儲等領域的分公司,**共有36家下屬企業。主要客戶有:SAMSUNG /LG /MOATECH /KEC/SAE?等**五百強企業主要的服務區域:SOUTH ASIA?合作的航空公司:KE /PO /CX/JI /OZ ETC?目前我司的貨量的市場份額大約為香港市場出口到韓國空運總量的30% 詳細情況請登陸我們的網站查詢:WWW.KORCHINA.COM