公司簡介Company Introduction?力福汀鋼繩(上海)有限公司是國內**家由歐洲鋼絲繩投資、建立、管理、運營的外商獨資鋼絲繩企業,成立于2003年9月,專業經營世界的優質特種鋼絲繩和相關配件。公司注冊于中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區,我們在中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區內及區外均設有加工車間,并備有相當數量的庫存,以確保向全世界,尤其向中國大部分地區及時供貨。公司于2007年1月通過ISO9001:2000質量體系認證,并于2009年12月通過了勞氏質量認證公司(LR)ISO9001:2008的質量管理體系換版認證。LTI Steel Wire Rope (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., founded in September, 2003, is the first foreign-owned steel wire rope enterprise in China that is invested and managed by the European rope experts. It is specialized in world top-rate quality special steel wire rope and related fittings. The company is registered in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai. Today we keep a good inventory of these products inside and outside of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, being able to guarantee on-time delivery all over the world, especially throughout all China regions. The Company was certified by the ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System in 2007, and was approved by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance for the Quality Management System Standard ISO9001:2008 in Dec 2009.?2009年,力福汀公司建立了自己的實驗室,并陸續取得了BV, ABS, GL, KR, RINA, LR, DNV和CCS船級社的設計認可,工廠認可。同時,公司能為我們的客戶提供RMRS船級社產品證書。In 2009, LTI Steel Wire Rope set up its own laboratory, and was approved by BV, ABS, GL, KR, RINA, LR, DNV and CCS classification societies successively. In the meanwhile, the company is able to provide marine product certificate issued by RMRS (Russian Marine Register of Shipping) classification societies.?2010年12月,公司通過了勞氏質量認證公司ISO14001:2004環境管理體系認證。In December 2010, LTI was approved by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance for the Environmental Management System of ISO14001:2004.?2011年2月,公司的鋼絲繩鋁套壓制接頭及索節澆注接頭工藝獲得了由上海質量技術監督局頒發的采用國際標準產品標志證書。In February 2011, LTI obtained the marking certificate on the craftsmanship of swaged ferrule termination and resin socketing termination issued by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Shanghai.?力福汀為高性能特種鋼絲繩領域后起之秀—瑞士威路配(Verope AG)在中國大陸的姐妹公司,是其在中國大陸,香港和澳門地區的獨家代表和技術服務中心。威路配(Verope AG)鋼絲繩是世界著名的供應商,是力福汀股東之一的Pierre Verreet先生與韓國高麗制鋼共同投資的合資企業,生產基地位于韓國。威路配(Verope AG)以滿足世界各地客戶的需要為榮,將秉承一貫的信念,繼續開發生產客戶值得信賴的高性能優質產品。威路配所精心選擇生產的產品受到世界頂級行業制造商和終用戶的好評,如德馬格(Terex Demag),利勃海爾(Liebherr),德瑞斯海達(TTS Marine),國民油井(National Oilwell),振華港機,徐工集團,三一重工和其他廠家。As the sister company to Verope AG, the rising star in the field of high performance special steel wire rope, in mainland, LTI Steel Wire Rope is the exclusive representative and technical service center in the area of Hongkong, Macao and especially in Mainland, China. Verope AG, a world famous steel wire rope supplier, is invested by Mr.Pierre Verreet, one of the shareholders of LTI, and Kiswire, Korea, with the production line in South Korea. Verope AG is proud to satisfy the clients’ needs worldwide and will continue in the uncompromising mission of high standards, combined with quality products that you can rely on. Verope AG has a well selected range of products which have been approved by leading crane manufacturers, such as Terex Demag, Liebherr, TTS Marine, National Oilwell, ZPMC, XCMG, SANY and other big Chinese factories as well as the users of these cranes.?力福汀的產品范圍涉及到特種鋼絲繩的各大應用領域, 包括各種起重吊車、港口機械、海上石油平臺、旋挖鉆機、架橋機、煤礦機械、油田、載客和物料運輸索道等,是麥基嘉(MacGREGOR),TTS和振華港機的**合作伙伴,與三一重工股份有限公司,中海油,徐工集團,江蘇政田,上海金泰,上海寶峨,撫順永茂,中船華南等國內大型起重機公司建立了長期供貨關系。LTI’s product range covers the diversified application fields of the steel wire ropes. Its ropes are vastly applied to hoisting cranes, port machines, offshore platforms, drilling machines, launching gantries, mining machinery, oil field, civil and material transportation ropeways etc. LTI Steel Wire Rope is the global cooperative partner to MacGREGOR, TTS and ZPMC, and has set up long term cooperation with Sany Heavy Industry, CNOOC, XCMG, Jiangsu MASADA, Shanghai Jintai, Shanghai Bauer, Fushun Yongmao, South China Marine, and many more.?力福汀鋼繩作為起重機及吊裝行業的方案提供商,我們的承諾和責任是以優惠的交貨成本為客戶提供高品質的產品,通過專業、專注、溝通、激勵、培訓、教育和團隊合作為客戶提供非凡的服務??蛻舻男枨笫俏覀冴P注的焦點!LTI Steel Wire Rope presents itself as a solution provider for the industry of cranes and lifting. Our commitment and responsibility is to provide high quality products at best delivered costs and extraordinary customer service through communication, professionalism, focus, motivation, training, education and team work. Our main focus are our valued customers!?力福汀鋼繩(上海)有限公司LTI Steel Wire Rope (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.中國外高橋保稅區泰谷路233號? 200131No.233 TaiGu Rd. WaiGaoQiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, P.R.China 200131Tel:021-58666268???? Fax:021-58666090Website:www.gangsisheng? EMAIL:info@gangsisheng