About TVU NetworksTVU Networks provides broadcast organizations around the globe with cutting-edge wireless electronic news gathering (ENG) and Internet broadcasting solutions. Since its founding in 2005, TVU has provided solutions that enable any size broadcaster to overcome the limitations of cable and satellite infrastructure, expand distribution to a wider audience and capture and broadcast live video content in a cost effective way.TVU Networks is privately held and is backed by New Atlantic Ventures and Altos Ventures. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, CA with offices in New York, Boston, Raleigh, North Carolina and Shanghai, China. More information about TVU Networks can be found at www.tvunetworks.通維數碼公司(TVU Networks)為**各廣播組織提供了技術的無線電子新聞采集系統(ENG)和因特網廣播解決方案。TVU成立于2005年,公司致力于拓寬現有的有線電視和衛星電視網絡設施的局限,為任何廣播者以更經濟的方式提供向**觀眾實時直播的解決方案。TVU Networks是尚未上市公司,曾獲得New Atlantic Ventures和Altos Ventures風投資金。公司總部設在美國加州的Mountain View市,在美國紐約市,波士頓市,北卡羅來州的羅列市,和中國上海市都設有分部。更多詳情請參閱www.tvupack