Company Overview:The Kurt J. Lesker Company was founded in 1954 as a manufacturers' representative for vacuum products in Pittsburgh PA, USA. Today, we are an international manufacturer and distributor of vacuum components and vacuum systems for research and industrial applications.We have three manufacturing locations, two in Pittsburgh and one in the UK; sales offices and warehouses across North America; KJLC offices in Canada, England, France, Hungary, Germany and China; and a network of agents around the world.The Kurt J. Lesker Asian branch was established in Shanghai, China at the year of 2007. We will fully utilize solid technical knowledge and omni-directional supports from our headquarters, and strive to provide you satisfying services.公司概況:科特?萊思科公司于1954年創立于美國賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡市,是美國知名的真空科技產品制造商。今天,我們已發展成一家為科研和生產應用領域,提供從真空零部件,到真空沉積系統及各類真空設備的**性制造商和經銷商。 科特?萊思科公司設有三個制造及裝配/測試工廠:兩個位于美國,一個位于英國。我們的倉儲分布于北美和英國,并在美國、加拿大、英國、法國、匈牙利、德國及中國設有分支機構,銷售網絡遍及**??铺?萊思科亞洲分公司于2007年在中國上海成立。我們將利用總公司的強大技術力量及支持來竭誠為中國和亞洲區其他客戶服務。